Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wistful Wednesday: The Grandboys

Jen and I were looking for some old photographs deep in the recesses of my Simple Save.

Along the way we found a few photographs that made us smile.

Noah and AdamJuly 2005

July 2005  I recall that when Adam ( the littlest) started using a mouse he was fairly frustrated. Look at that..he has to lift his little arm way up.  Adam would have been almost four in this photo and  Noah would have been six years old.  Much time was spent “helping” Adam through games and searching for hidden object puzzles.  He still likes to play the hidden object games when he is here.

Digging a bit further in the old files…

DEcember 2006

December 2006 When they were five and seven.

Well of course I could not resist.

November 2013 Adam and Noah

November 2013  The boys are taller than me…and their Mother.  Adam is 12 and Noah is 14.  Adam still uses my computer when he visits…we share! He always asks politely too…one thing that this Grandma appreciates!    Noah has a special gaming laptop computer that he bought after working for his other Grandpa one summer and he usually brings that along when he visits.  

The Grandboys are a real joy…more often than not they make me smile.

Far Guy built our computer area in the no mans land between the dining room and the living room.  It was custom built to fit the space and has served us wellSmile


  1. I love your home and computer desk! I keep telling the hubby to build me one, (someday he says!). The boy's sure have grown. You don't realize how much until you come across the photos! You even were able to get a picture in the same spot, pretty amazing!

  2. Love your computer desk. the pictures of the boys is so cool - watching them grow. Happy Wedneday to you.

  3. Fun to see how the boys have grown. Computers really keep them busy.

  4. What fun to see "then" and "now"!

  5. Aren't they cute...then and now! It's like time lapse photos over a really long time but it goes fast for us! I hope you're staying warm and cozy. I'm prepping today for a "significant" ice storm which almost guarantees loss of power...I would prefer snow. Last time it was 8 days and it was cold! This time I have better wood but the fireplace isn't very efficient for heating like my wood burner back in Iowa was. Looks like we're all getting a dose of Cleon (storm's's about time they started naming the Winter storms.) I posted a good soup recipe you might like to help keep you warm! LOL!

  6. The boys are handsome. Don't they grow up fast!! I love all the wood. Looks like a log home.

  7. I love this! What a treasure to see how they have grown, and funny to see them in the same position each time :)

  8. You show how people and technology have moved. In this case both of them have very rapidly grown.

  9. Love these photos of the boys - wow, how they have grown! That's a great work station for the computers.

  10. You are blessed to have such a talented husband. Those boys are very handsome and look like twins who were not born the same year! Our girls are like that but there has been a difference in their facial features once they were past the preschool years. I love that you have the same poses but years apart.

  11. Cute post (the boys would appreciate that comment) but they certainly were and still are! That computer station is great!

  12. Fun to have a peek into your home. Looks like logs and some antiques, and I think I would like it very much! Grandsons are such fun. Probably not a lot of hugs and kisses once they get taller than you, I'm thinking.

  13. Oh, I loved these photos! Cute capture of the years passing. :)

  14. I love those photos! It just never seems that time should fly as fast as it does when it comes to the grandkids...
    ¸.•*¨*•♪♫♫♪Merry Christmas ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥


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