Sunday, December 1, 2013

Grinch Like

Cross one holiday off the list and lets get the other over with soon.  I am not much for holidays…I can become depressed very easily.  Turn the calendar from one month to the next already.

Why?  I don’t like shopping…good thing Far Guy says he will help or I would just write checks.  Much of the shopping I do will be online.  I must ready myself for those early morning phone calls from the Post Office about the delivery of said parcels.  I don’t like the commercialism that accompanies Christmas.  I like homemade…simple..put some candy and some peanuts in a bag with an apple and I am good.  I abhor the Christmas music in the stores that began weeks ago …I may start wearing ear plugs.

Although I am not cold and heartless or wish anyone misfortune I am a little grinchy. 

So much so that my daughter Jen  bought me a new winter hat.

Connies new hat

Chance is a marvelous hat model, as you can see he was thrilled.

I will wear it proudly shopping.  I might even wear it whilst decorating the trees.  I will wear it baking cookies.  I  could wear it from now until Christmas Day…whilst I finish up  some of my homemade gifts.

The Christmas Spirit is hard to find some days.  I will be searching for the Christmas Spirit all month long.

Gift count: two.  Gifts wrapped: none.  Cookies made : none. Cards written: none.  Home made ornaments: Complete!  Home made gifts: in progress.  24 days and counting.

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  1. It's hard for me to verbalize these kind of complaints but you have a compatriot here in the far south when it comes to the crass commercialism of the season and shopping.... no thanks. Old fashioned works best for me too.

  2. Oh what a sweet picture, love Chance in the Grinch hat......I to like it simple and old fashion. My family all just like simple, not spending going in dept, a candle, a tin of homemade cookies suit us fine. Love the season but not the hoopla that goes with it, Blessings Francine.

  3. Chance and his/your hat make a memorable picture. Hope you/he find at least one good thing about the upcoming holiday. We're to the money-giving stage...doesn't feel like Christmas did back when we had little children around who loved Santa and the story of the Nativity. As one of them said...Thank you, God, and thank you, Santa Claus".

  4. Chance is such a good sport. The Grinch does not fit his style, but I could definitely wear it. :-)

  5. Christmas has become one big commercial!! I agree with you about that. It is so sad that the true meaning of Christmas has long been forgotten!

  6. You say it well.... and I am in wholesome agreement! My 'counts' are about the same - I have one present wrapped (but not ribbon yet) and 0 home made ornaments. I only have a few presents purchased. Before I hopped over to blog land I was doing some 'window' shopping on the Internet!
    I am getting anxious.

  7. I'm with you!!...Things get a little Grinchy with me until about mid-December....Homemade is the best...!!

  8. That's the cutest photo of Chance wearing your hat! I would love a return to the simple a favorite stick of candy or a piece of fruit to enjoy on Christmas day.

  9. p.s. love your Christmas banner/header

  10. Not much needs to be said about the over-commercialization of Christmas any more, but think what it will be like 20 years from now. Will probably start in July, and Christmas in July sales will happen in April. Anyway, my favorite christmas cookie is home made sugar cookies made with the christmas cookie cutters, and decorated with home made red and green icing.

  11. Your'e a mean one Mr. Grinch...hahhhhaaa hhaaa haaaaa haaaa!

    So true, I am sick and tired of that Christmas music already, and it's only been a month.


  12. If it was up to me there would be very little shopping and generally getting ready for Christmas. I do put up the lights and the tree.
    So hang on. We'll soon get to Dec. 25 th

  13. You are so funny! Your comment about hard candy, peanuts and an apple in a paper bag reminded me of those very things we got as kids at the end of the church Christmas program. Of course the apple and peanuts were always left for last. Thanks for the memory!

  14. Sounds like that hat will be put to good use! Chance is such a good sport about modeling it for you :)

  15. Poor Chance!
    I'd wear it until January. I can't stand shopping in stores with all the rude people during the holidays.
    I do need to find Christmas cards though. hard to do.
    Hope you and Far Guy have a wonderful week. ♥

  16. You may be Grinchy, but it sounds like you certainly do it all anyway. Obviously your heart is not three sizes too small.

  17. About four years ago, I announced to my family that I was not giving gifts and did not want any. I requested we exchange hand-written letters instead of gifts. They were reluctant at first, but it has since caught on. We discovered we don't need "stuff" to express our love.

  18. Chance looks like he will do whatever you ask!!! We are having a light Christmas here...just the grandchildren will get gifts...Me! I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!! I wish I had been born at Christmas. I hope I die at Christmas...I love the whole month. Then I want to skip January and February and head right into March. I can take March because April follows.


  19. Favorite cookie... has to be - good old fashioned 'peanut butter cookie' made with crunchy peanut butter of course!! I love that grinch hat... I myself try to remember we are celebrating the birth of Jesus and all the other commercialism fades away. I love, love, love your blog... thanks so much for sharing your life with us. I feel like you are an old friend! And those grand kids are beautiful, healthy and strong!!! What a blessing! Give Chance a love from us... Steven and Nancy

  20. You can come visit me! I haven't decorated for half a dozen years, have no money for presents so just send out handmade cards, have spent the past decade alone on Thanksgiving and Christmas...but I am always bubbling over with that annoying, high-spirited holiday joy! Materialism be damned! This is the season for love, kindness, and grace! Fills me to the brim from Thanksgiving till New Years!! :) :)


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