Tuesday, December 24, 2013

An old friend

A long long time ago ..oh not that long it was about 1960.  I guess that makes it more than 50 years ago…back to the long long time ago.  I was 9 or 10 and in the 3rd or 4th grade riding Ivan Siegford’s bus to school.  Sandy was the last stop. She was  a real looker.  Blonde hair and a nice smile, on “Dress Up Days” at the high school she would wear heels, long dangly earrings and beautiful necklaces that matched whatever outfit she was wearing.  Sometimes she would sit with me, being the last person to board the bus seating was limited.  She must have been a freshman that year.  Then the bus route changed and she rode a different bus.

Years later she would find our Greenhouse and we would have wonderful visits about the school bus and life back in the 1960’s.  She loved dogs and always brought at least two of hers along with her when she got flowers.  She had no children. I shared with her how I admired her choices on Dress Up Days…she said she enjoyed those special days at school too and felt so grown up wearing high heels to school.

Then one spring she didn’t show up.  Somehow I had missed her obituary in the newspaper.  I never met her husband, but it would have been good to attend the funeral.  She died ten years ago in 2003 from some kind of cancer she was 57 years old.  Her husband died last winter.

There was an estate sale.  I was running on time to work and could not stop in the morning.  After work I stopped.  I saw a lady carrying two boxes of Shiny Brites..darn..too late.  I asked her if she was going to buy them, she replied “Oh no they were just sold I am holding them for a fellow.”

Sandys estate box one

Turns out the fellow was Far Guy.

Box two close up Sandys Estate

This is the first year my “Sandy” ornaments will join the Shiny Brite tree.

Box two from Sandys estate

Dangly earrings, high heels, flowers, dogs and now Shiny Brites…all things that remind me of a friend so long agoSmile


  1. Very touching post. How sad she died so young. And, how unusual Far Guy had bought those ornaments! Merry Christmas!

  2. A beautiful memory forever...your friend and Far Guy buying the Shiny Brites for you.

  3. Merry Christmas. Love the story and your shiny brites too

  4. Oh My, goosebumps reading your story, enjoy the Shiny Brites, Christmas Blessings Francine.

  5. A sweet memory to hang on your Christmas tree!

  6. What a wonderful coincidence! Life has its great surprises and tender moments.

  7. What a beautiful story, if a bit sad. And that Far Guy was buying those ornaments! He knows you very well, doesn't he? :-)

  8. Wonderful post and photos ! Love your header ! Wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas !

  9. And little did Far Guy know what a big part he played in reconnecting you and your childhood friend. I'm glad those ornaments have such a special meaning. Another cherished Christmas story!!

  10. How wonderful that Far Guy bought those shiney brights for you! A touching story.
    Have a wonderful Christmas with your family!
    Hugs, Barb

  11. That is a beautiful story. Far Guy is a real feet heart to buy those ornament for you. Merry Christmas.

  12. What a wonderful gift (from Sandy and Far Guy) ~ I know that Sandy (and as a very little person remember my folks hanging out with her and her husband) ~ they had horses and a nice barn for them :) Great story!

  13. My thoughts reflect what Muffy's Marks said. Such a special story!

  14. What a special story! A sad story about Sandy though, she died far too young. I'm sure she would be thrilled to know that you are thinking of her in her dress up clothes as you hang her ornaments.

    And my exciting news on the ornament front is that my Santa arrived yesterday! It looks great, thanks so much:) It had a Canada Xpress Post sticker on it with a tracking number. Apparently it left the US on the 14th, arrived in Mississauga Ontario on the 16th. Took 5 days to get across the country to Richmond B.C on the 21st, Abbotsford on the 22nd, and we got it on the 23rd. Not exactly Xpress Post was it!:)

    1. So glad it finally arrived, I could have delivered it in person faster:)

  15. I love this post - Far Guy is a sweetie!

  16. A nice memory of a person you admired. It's very sad how we lose people when they are so young.

  17. I may have trouble making it back to my kitchen to go back to work. So many wonderful, heart warming posts to read this morning. I'll add this one to the list, and with tears welling in my eyes.

  18. That is so wonderful! Merry Christmas to you and far guy!

  19. Awwwww how wonderful! Love the memories and the shiny brights! I remember having those on our trees and I think I may even still have a few somewhere...not realizing what a treasure they were I think most were tossed (don't scream)!

  20. What a poignant remembrance of a school-days acquaintance. Though it's sad she lost to cancer so early, how sweet that you ended up reconnecting with these memories through those Shiny Brites!

  21. Sigh! Just wonderful! I just had an old high school friend find my blog. We were great friends but lost contact over the years.

    Merry Christmas Connie!
    ¸.•*¨*•♪♫♫♪Merry Christmas ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥

  22. That Far Guy is a winner. I bet he knew how happy it would make you. I like your story even though it is sad. The internet helps us to find some of those things out but losing them and not knowing is hard. They are beautiful shiny brites that you have added to your collection.


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