Monday, December 9, 2013

Cold Days and Parties

We have had some sub zero days.  It was –13 F or -25 C yesterday morning.  The winds will cause dangerous windchill factors of –20 to –40 F or –28 to –40 C all day Monday.


Two Christmas Parties went on as planned over the weekend.

My Cousins met at the Nursing Home and brought homemade soups…I brought bread and cheese and a few cookies from the freezer…nothing has been baked yet around here.  Aunt Lila, Aunt Grace, Aunt Sharon, Aunt Anna and my parents were the special guests from the oldest generation.  They are the remnant.

The Historical Society’s Christmas party was held at a Pizza Shop in town.  Not a great turnout…just the regulars.  Not exactly a partying bunch…were were home by 9PM.

We are working on the Christmas letter it will be mailed soon.  We ran out of pretty paper for the letters and stamps.  The homemade ornaments will all be in the mail except for two that will be hand delivered.  We ordered a bunch of gifts online…delivery will start in a few days. I am still working on some homemade gifts.  I discovered I have very little wrapping I couldn’t very well wrap the one gift I have hidden.

A long, long time ago I was gifted this wreath by old North Dakota neighbors Harvey and Joyce…it now has a bow. I hung it next to the outside door.  It is old and has seen better days..but will be enjoyed one last Christmas.

Pine Cone Wreath

Working on the Christmas Card list was an eye opener.   I didn’t realize so many friends and relatives had died until I updated the list.  What a sad time of year it must be for their loved ones.  I wrote notes on most of their letters.

Looking at that photo the bow might be a tad wonky.  It was way too cold to mess around with it outside in the dark.  I was happy to have used an entire spool of ribbon with no leftovers.

Gift count: two bought and nine ordered.  Gifts wrapped: none.  Cookies made: none. Christmas letters written: in progress.  Home made ornaments: Complete!  Homemade gifts: in progress.  Decorations…none except the snow outside and a pine cone wreath.  16 days and counting.

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  1. Our weather here today and for the next few days is a mix of all sorts pretty YUKKY ! out there ! It is that time of year to be busy busy and spend it with family when you can as everyone has different schedules lol ! Thanks for sharing ! Have a good day !

  2. I rather like an offset bow. I think that wreath is good for another year.

  3. Can't imagine temps so cold. Take care and I wish you guys a good week.

  4. Such a beautiful pine tree, love the picture and your wreath is fine, like the jaunty bow.....Good luck crossing of the to do list this week, Francine.

  5. You are definitely making progress. And you've still got 16 days to go! Love that pretty bow just the way it is. :-)

  6. I like the bow on your wreath. It has been very cold here also and yesterday we had a couple inches of snow. You are making progress on your shopping which is more than I can say. I haven't even started my Christmas cards yet.

  7. I used to make wreaths like that. Now every time I see a pine tree, I mentally check out the cones to see how they would look in a wreath.

  8. I, too, like the wreath, just the way it is! And you are way ahead of me on projects.

  9. I was in good faith hang my wreaths over the weekend. I told everyone that I would. I didn't do it. I sometimes forget one and it doesn't get hung because I don't remember that I have it. I will work on it as I need more photos for blogs. I like your old pine cone one on the door.

  10. Your wreath is jaunty and looks good:) Our 'cold' weather is coming to an end, it has been nothing compared to yours. The wind always makes it feel so much worse, and that has stopped. A bit of snow to come as a system moves in, and then rain by Wed. or Thurs. yuk!
    I'm about even with you regarding presents bought, although we don't have many to get anyway. I'm proud of myself that I've got so many bought so 'early':)

  11. I happen to love your wreath! I made one like that about 20+ years ago, and I still use it, wonky though it may be :) Those are the best kind - sounds like you are busy in our 'workshop'!

  12. I love that wreath! If the bow is 'wonky', so what. It makes it more real!

  13. Parties are fun and festive ~ sounds like you are doing well on our list :) I like the pinecone wreath ~ I have some projects to use some pinecones in the next month think after I am done I will make a wreath... Stay warm, we would like it to warm up so we could snowmobile... we are fair weather snowmobilers!

  14. I nearly always put bows off to one side, so I love this. And my mother and I made several pinecone wreaths years ago. I glued one back together a couple of times but eventually the cones themselves began to disintegrate. Maybe some day I'll make one with ViMae. Thanks for the reminder!

  15. The pine cone wreath is beautiful! The bow is just right.

  16. The bitter cold settled in here, too, and I hate to venture out in it, especially at night.

    I like the bow off to the side of the pine cone wreath.

  17. It seems you had a very productive day! Woohoo! Progress!

  18. You are making good headway! We just got the outside lights up and some cookies baked!
    Stay warm!

  19. Hasn't it just been cold! Then warm here, then cold again!
    I love Maddie's photos. Well done!Cheers from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  20. It has been too cold here, but not THAT cold. It will finally get above freezing tomorrow. Hoping not to have snow or ice in the transition.
    Thanks for reminding me that I need to get started on my Christmas letter. I guess I need to look at my planning calendar to see what we did this year.

  21. I like the wreath, and its story. You should keep it. The bow gives it a down home feeling. Cold and windy here. My Christmas prep is on target. So far so good! Stay warm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. This cold snap is sending some of your normal temperatures down our way...brr...especially when our heater went out right at the beginning. I feel like an Eskimo, wearing 5 layers of clothing--indoors! Of course, that makes me sound like a wimp, since we only have to put up with 20F.

    What a sad observation on your updated Christmas list. That generation is indeed becoming a remnant. I, for one, am having a real hard time getting my head around it. I guess that just means it's time to start focusing on all those photos of the lively younger ones who bring so much joy to our lives, like the pics you shared of your granddaughter the other day. Heartwarming.

  23. Brrrr - keep warm! Love that first shot.


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