Saturday, December 28, 2013

Six Year Journey

Six years ago I began this blogging journey.  It has been an experience…good, bad, sad, happy and everything in-between.  I have met many wonderful bloggers from all over the world.  It has been a pleasure.

I write at night instead of watching TV, I use a program called Live Writer.  I don’t have an index of my blogs … sometimes I think I may be re telling a story I already told.  I am getting old what do you expect?

When I began blogging we still had our Greenhouse business ( I closed it in the winter of 2008 a very hard decision), Far Guy had just been diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuralgia, Chance was three years old, I had a 2 megapixel camera and I was younger.

Why Blog?  To leave some small part of me behind for my Grands.  Just like a diary and they are in it!  Some things will fade in their memories as they get older and they may have some questions about their family history…well they might find that info in the blog.

Selfishly I also wanted to collect enough photos and blooming information about the wildflowers in our area to write a book.  The blog was a great place to collect some of that information.  It is also a good place to document the things that happen in our area.

I also enjoy sharing old photos and memories and just a bit about our part of Minnesota.

I think I may have a few stories left to tell and possibly just a few things to whine about so I will keep on keeping on.


Morning skies on December 24, 2013

Blog Signature


  1. You have pretty much covered the reasons why I blog....In the beginning, I just wanted to prove I could do an older person. Now I laugh about it....over 350 posts and two years later! I hope you continue to write and photograph for us to share in your life. Congratulations!

  2. Glad you are blogging and hope you keep blogging for a long time.

  3. I started as a "much older than you" blogger and love hearing your stories. Still enjoying my pod Santa!

  4. Morning, so happy I found your blog for I really enjoy reading and the pictures you post, Francine.

  5. Hope you do keep on; it's always nice to visit.

  6. I sure enjoy your blog, the peek into your life. You introduced me to Aldo Leopold and have become my friend as well. I know your grands and share in your ups and downs. I'm sure glad you blog! Glad you're keeping on with it. :-)

  7. I always love your blog posts. Your family is very blessed to have your blog/photos. The wildflower book will be wonderful, I'm sure. I feel blessed to have met you through blogging and look forward to following you in the new year.

  8. I got a little sad there. It started to sound like you're giving up blogging. I'm glad you're not. I don't comment often, but I do enjoy your stories and seeing your pictures.

  9. I started to blog because we were going on a trip to Europe and I wanted a way to share it with my family. My son had a blog so I just followed the links on his to start my own. He quit his long ago. Mine lives on because I miraculously picked up readers, people who I have never met, who have become close friends, people like you!

  10. GORGEOUS pic of the sky and trees. I love the silhouettes of bare trees with the crisp winter sky as their background. We blog for the same reasons - - - mine mainly for a scrapbook for us, too, as well as to keep my out-of-town siblings up to date. But I've haven't written in two weeks! Life has been very, very busy. HOpe to get back to it in the New Year. I do miss it.

  11. Thank you for blogging, I am richer from the many interesting and educational blog's about your family, work and the state you live in. It has been many years of knowing you and thinking of you as extended family.
    Hugs to you all

  12. I too read your blog every morning and love the stories and pictures and seeing Chance too. Please keep writing for us! Shirley H.

  13. Happy Blog Anniversary! I read your blog first thing every morning and have come to feel as though we are friends. Glad you will continue to blog.

  14. Glad you are "keeping on"! I have enjoyed your blog! I'm probably the oldest blogger here, (do you reckon so?) :) My blog is less than a year old. I am still learning and doing dumb things on the computer. Good thing my two daughters are just a phone call away!

  15. My morning routine...make the coffee, put in the toast and read my Far Side Blog. Don't your dare stop. I've grown very fond of you and your family. Have a great day.

  16. Not thinking of age, but of blogging age, you are older than me by a couple of years. The other age thing I way ahead of you. I find people who don't have much contact with me, or don't want to talk to me anymore, keep up with the blog I write anyway. My own kids who rarely call check the blog before they ca;; so they can be up to date. I will probably never live in Minnesota ever again but I do by getting all of your views of everyday life in the state. I think that is the marvelous wonder that we can share our lives during the good and the bad and yes vent a little to tell the world what is wrong and right. Hang in there Far Side and Far Guy too. Chance needs to help you out every once in a while so you don't beg blogged down.

    1. You can tell I have had an 18 hour day going to and returning from Chicago. The fingers don't seem to be hitting all the keys or the right keys. They and call, would be something I would edit if I could.

  17. So glad I found your blog! I love reading about your life, your family, and your area of Minnesota. Some day I hope to visit your area. I hope you write the book. I would buy it!
    Keep on blogging and documenting your life!

  18. One day I think I will go back and read your blog from the beginning:) It's a pleasure to have 'met' you, and while I don't comment every day, if I'm home, your blog is one of the first things I read in the morning. Keep on blogging!

  19. I blog for many of the same reasons. I have memories that I want to preserve, so I blog.

  20. As a summer Minnesota resident, I especially enjoy your blog and have read it for years. I recommend it to my sisters and friends. You're writing and photography is very good, and always interesting.

  21. Sorry for the error on "you're", should be "your"!

  22. You are a great blogger and I enjoy following along with your stories,I also started blogging to leave a bit of history for future generations. I think that our way of life is soon going to become a part of history.
    Hope you and Far Guy and Chance have a wonderful New Year

  23. Maybe a wildflower book someday. I sure hope so. And keeping going on blogging....... Please do!!!!

  24. I found it interesting to read about your blogging roots. I knew that Far Guy had issues, but didn't realize it was a trigeminal nerve thing - my Dad had some issues with that puppy during his series of strokes. My dad NEVER complains about anything - but he did swear out loud as a result of the pain he was experiencing. I hope that Far Guy gets continuing relief from the treatments he's had. I'm so glad you are going to keep posting.

  25. Whew! I was afraid this was a "I'm quitting" post. :-D

  26. Yes, you must keep going! I enjoy your stories and photos, my northern neighbor.

  27. Don't worry about retelling those old stories...every re-take puts a new spin on it. Besides, we probably forget as much as you do :) Sometimes, I have to Google my own blog to find something I wrote about a couple years ago...or weeks ago :o

    Hope you keep that dream alive about the Minnesota wildflower book...until you hold the book in your hands and put it on the gift shop shelf at your museum!

  28. When I started reading this post I thought,"Oh!oh! she's gonna quit!" So I was happy at the end when you said you had more for your blog. I for one enjoy your blog and like the style you use. I also like Chance's viewpoint.
    Congratulations so far and I hope I see many more posts.

  29. :-)

    All good reasons.
    Hope you're having a great weekend. ♥

  30. If you retell a story I won't mind because I forget too! LOL! As for my blog...I started it because I felt like I wanted to document my daily life so in case someday someone would possibly be as interested in me as I was in them...they might have a chance to get to know me. Only time will tell. I think everyone is interesting especially the non-movie start/rock star variety. Yes...I was holding my breath there for a minute too thinking you were going to quit...whew! TTYL

  31. Good! I want you to keep on keeping on! So many people have left the blog world and just went to FB or Tweeting. I, for one am glad you are still here! Hope for a very good year in 2014!

    ¸.•*¨*•♪♫♫♪HAPPY NEW YEAR ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥

  32. Six years - that's a great achievement! Well done. And wishing you many more happy years of writing.

  33. I am so glad you blog! Doesn't matter that I haven't known you the whole six years, I am just glad to have bumped into you in cyberspace, my friend! ;)

  34. I left a post at the other site too but not sure if you are still checking that. So glad you are continuing! I wish there was a "like" button as I agree with the comments left here. Hope to meet you next summer as our Vintage Car Club may plan a trip to Park Rapids and would love to do a mini car show for you at the museum. Will send you an email towards spring. Have always loved your crusty attitude! Have recommended you to others. And since we have 2 Bordercollie grand-dogs, I love Chance! He is just too handsome!!


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie