Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Nativity and a few ornaments

I am making a tiny bit of progress.  Everyday when I wake up I ask myself “Self what are three things you want to accomplish today?”

I finished up two of the handmade will be in the mail…it is a surprise. I forgot to take a photo but the recipient has a camera.  The other will be delivered someday over the holidays… Elbow Lake is it’s destination. I will take a photo..but I cannot show it to you yet. 

We got the big Shiny Brite Tree in the air…I am not sure how many more years we will be able to get it in place…it is huge and heavy.  It is about 1/3 decorated..the top 1/3!  Shiny Brites are scattered all over upstairs…every bed and flat surface has boxes full of ornaments. 

Sometimes one thing leads to getting the Nativity in place…of course lots of things had to find new homes and a good dusting was needed.

The Nativity

I made the Nativity figures a long time ago in Ceramics.  Far Guy made me the crèche. Years ago it used to sit on top of the TV…that was it’s spot. Then we had homes with fireplaces with a mantle that seemed even more perfect.


This is a one of a kind fireplace.  I wanted river rock but it was too expensive.  So we bought three different colors of tile and busted them all up and pieced the pieces on the face of the fireplace.  It took about six weeks to finish.  Far Guy made the mantle.

Wanna see Chance’s 2013 ornament?

Chances ornament 2013

Some of the seed pods dried in interesting shapes.

Our ornment 2013

I made 67 of them to give away, it is a tradition and has been since 1990. The idea behind this little gift is so that when someone gets married and leaves home…they will have a box of their very own ornaments to take along for their own tree. I make them for our parents, daughters, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, great nieces, great nephews and friends…and a few special dogs and some cats too.

Here is a link to some of the other creations.

Most of the time I have an inspiration piece and this year was no different.


I purchased this piece and went from there.  I won’t be doing Santas again for a number of years.  Although I do have a Santa made from a fork waiting in the wings and I have begun to save silver forks…I have 35 silver forks..not nearly enough to do them anytime soon.

Today is baking day…the cookie exchange is very soon. If I bake fast I can put up more decorations.  Now which cookie was it I decided on?

Gift count: nine bought and six ordered.  Gifts wrapped: none.  Cookies made: none. Christmas letters: Complete!  Homemade ornaments: Complete!  Homemade gifts: Two complete and one in progress.  Decorations… the snow outside, a pine cone wreath, the Nativity and a flag outdoors. Oh and 1/3 of a Shiny Brite Tree!  13 days and counting.

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  1. Love your fireplace. What a clever idea.

  2. Morning, your getting there Connie......Love the fireplace to, what a beautiful job, the manger looks great on it.........Still love those seed pod Santa's, Francine.

  3. I love your fireplace and the Nativity scene seems like it belongs there. The Santa ornaments are so cute - you did a good job on them. Happy baking today.

  4. Your fireplace is very unique. I love your pretty Santas. What does Chance do with his? I can guess... :-)

  5. The fireplace is beautiful! The santas are too and now I know you are definitely a planner.... saving forks for a rainy day :) I was wondering the inside scope on how you come up with the ideas.

  6. You have been busy. What lovely Nativity pieces and Santa.

  7. I am amazed at what you can think of and then get it done. You have a good idea of giving ornaments to young people for them to start their own collection of Christmas ornaments.

  8. Some years ago I started making or buying and ornament for each of our kids. I tried to make it somehow relevant to something that happened during the year, although some years it was just an ornament, with their name and the year on it. I didn't get last year's done, so this year I need to do two each. I have silver cutlery, so you have given me an idea. I'll try googling Santas made from forks, or maybe if you have the link handy, you could send it to me?:)
    What a great idea for your fireplace facing, and I admire your perseverance at getting that done!

    1. PS Found some:)

  9. Love your ornaments as well as the idea of creating an ornament collection for the Grands, etc.

    Your fireplace is gorgeous!

  10. It is always so fun to see how others decorate their homes. Yours is wonderful. Love the Nativity scene and your Santas are cute. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a wonderful day!
    Hugs, Noreen

  11. Wow your Santa's are so charming!!!!
    Fun to see you getting in the spirit!
    I have Christmas gift slippers to finish knitting, and felting…maybe today..after a long winter's nap

  12. I really like your fireplace and your nativity set. Your ornaments came out very cute.
    We just had our cookie exchange yesterday. I will dig out the tree this weekend. My hubby bought more lights to string on the outside I need to take some pictures!

  13. Lovely nativity . Papa here made one in his wood shop for our Aunt a few years ago . Love your Santa soo cute ! Thanks for sharing . Very cold and windy here and now snowing ! Have a good day !

  14. Received my Santa today and he arrived intact because of the excellent shipping skills of the artist. Thank you!He has a place of honor above my monitor right now so I can see him.....later on the tree.

  15. Your Nativity set is perfect on the mantle. You are making progress!!!

  16. Your mantle looks like it was make just for your Nativity set. It's very pretty!

  17. What a masterful job on your fireplace mosaic! And the mantle. and the nativity! and your Santa pods!

  18. Great fireplace mosaic! I do like Chances Santa the best. Can hardly wait to see the shiny brites tree! It does sound like a ton of work, but I remember how beautiful it is. Good luck with it! :)

  19. Visiting you for the first time from Linda's blog (Colorado Farm) where she showed the lovely gift you sent -- what a lovely surprise for her, so neat that you used her wood and sent it back. Just had to drop by from her link to see more of your fabulous talent. Your handmade beautiful Christmas looks just perfect!

  20. I will pray to st Lucy for your eyes


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