Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wistful Wednesday : Christmas 1978

I found this old photo to share this week. 1978 was thirty-five years ago. It must have been taken at or near Christmas time as my baby brother was home.

1978 Holiday Photo

I think it is notable that all the men have different taste in flannel shirts.

Left to right: Bob and Mary (friends of my parents), my parents Dad was 51 and Mom was 48, my baby brother’s wife (Beth), my baby brother (Carey he was 24), me standing up in the blue sweater 27,and standing behind me my other baby brother (Jody he was 18), down front is my sister (Julie she was 12 ), Jennifer(3 years and 3 months old), Trica (Five years and 8 months old)  and Far Guy he must have been 28.

I must have been big on dressing the girls alike…all matchy matchy. Jennifer is holding a red package and I see that Trica must have been antsy as three adults are hanging onto her.

This was the year my other baby brother was a senior in high school.( He looks real tall because he was standing on the fireplace hearth.)  He spent more time trapping, fishing and hunting than he did in the classroom.  He was 18 that school year… school was just an inconvenience for him and he could write his own notes (excuses for school).  As he tells it he finally got called into the Principals Office and it was spelled out exactly how many days you were required to attend classes to graduate.  He did graduate.  Jody just didn’t like school, it was not his thing.  Luckily he had a natural mechanical aptitude and today owns his own business…oh and he also has the gift of gab…which is a good quality for a successful business…not exactly a subject taught in high school.

I have no idea who took the photo, but it was taken at my parents home at the Resort on Straight Lake.  My parents friend in the red flannel shirt, Bob died a number of years ago.  Mary lives just down the road from us and we see her once in a while. The resort has been sold and resold several times..the fireplace is still there. See the black box above Beth’s head?  It was a built in warmer, my Mom would put bread in there to bake and soup to stay warm.

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  1. Your family photo sure brings back memories of my family. It used to be so easy to buy flannel shirts for all the men at Christmas. I also liked dressing my girls alike. Thanks for the good memories!

  2. Fun to see this photo. We have lots of family photos in front of a fireplace too!

  3. That is a fun photo with lots of family history. I've never heard of a warmer within a fireplace. Love it!!!

  4. Oh what a great picture, thanks for sharing, Francine.

  5. Makes me wistful for the days when we were all one family at home. It's been a long time, but our place looked a lot like this one.

  6. Oooh, and the great looking paneling on the walls! We had a bit of that in our family room. It was THE look of the times, wasn't it?

  7. 35 years ago? 1978 seems like yesterday to me.....but then when I look in the mirror I realize it's not. Those years went fast...really fast. When you're young and having your family people tell you to enjoy it as it will be gone before you know it and they were right. What a great picture and great memories too I bet.

  8. Wow, this brings back memories, doesn't it? This could be my family in front of my parents' fireplace. Made me a little homesick even :) Your baby brother Carey looks exactly like my younger brother did at that age (he is no longer alive) - same glasses, same 'stache, even! :) Thanks for sharing!

  9. Funny how the fireplace ended up being the backdrop to many a family photo. For some reason I noticed your mum and all her children had glasses:) I had a girl and a boy and sometimes they were in matching outfits that I made:) Great old photo!

  10. I had to giggle about the adults hanging on to Tricia. ;oD

    Lots of memories in one photo. I love it!

  11. 35 years ago! These are golden pictures. Not enough people did family pictures. I really like the plaid shirts. They're my kind of shirt.

  12. Sure looks like the seventies, hard to believe it has been 35 years. Being an only child our group was a small with only three people : )

  13. Lovely photo of past . I had to giggle at all the guys wearing flannel shirts it was the fashion for them back then and still is today some what lol ! Love your header . Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  14. The picture is great. It may just be my age--but I like the flannel shirt look. :)


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