Saturday, March 8, 2025

Slow progress

 Far Guy is making slow progress toward recovery...and I mean SLOW.  We will take it one day at a time.  He is coughing and then his oxygen sats drop.  We both had a much needed nap yesterday after the restless night before. 

I worked on a project a number of years in the making.  I worked on Far Guy's Paternal Grandparents history and their diaries.  It was a blog now converted into two books.  I am pleased, it is ordered and when it is delivered I can cross that project off my list!!  I attempted to upload it last Winter with no luck...but with some focus(My word for 2025) I got it done this Winter! The books are not cheap....but  Far Guy and I felt the expense is worth it.  I used Pixie to create the books. 

The blog is called Tracie's Treasures.  I am certain it is not perfect...but it chronicles family history for many years. 

In the photo ...that is Far Guy standing up between his Grandparents.  Far Guy's sister Janice is on the far left.
Far Side

Friday, March 7, 2025

Roller Coaster

 I feel like we are on a roller coaster ride, ups and downs and wild and crazy turns. 

Photo I took several summer ago. 

He felt good enough to get his weekly infusion, I accompanied him instead of running errands.

He is still at home for now...under my eagle eye and is instructed to voice that he is okay when he is awake.  He had a partially obstructed airway yesterday afternoon that he fought through that was no fun. 

Far Side

Thursday, March 6, 2025

A bit worse

 Far Guy is a bit worse.  We may have to make another ER visit soon.  Time will tell.

Yesterday was a struggle for him, no doubt his body is coming off of all the IV meds that he had while in the hospital.  

Prayers continue.

Far Side

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Hanging in there

Far Guy is doing his best to do everything he should to get better. It all takes time.  He is tired.  I am tired. 

IF we were sloths we could just hang around in trees upside down eating the most tender shoots....they leave the trees to poop once a week on the forest floor...who knew?


The cloth sloth is now framed and at the consignment shop...I wonder how long it will be there? 

My other baby brother and she who sees robins first stopped by and had lunch with us yesterday, good to see them again!  They were out in Western North Dakota visiting Katie, Hunter, Gavin, Jordan and Aubrey. 

I made chicken wild rice was whats for supper yesterday.  Chicken soup makes everything better!

Far Side

Tuesday, March 4, 2025


 Far Guy got out of the hospital about noon on Monday.   He actually got to see his Primary Care Doctor in the morning.  It helps that at least one Doctor is familiar with a persons health concerns.  (FYI he is also my Primary Care Doctor and he has hospital privileges...unlike the Pulmonary Doctors that care for Far Guy..they do not have hospital privileges...strange I know...must have something to do with insurance)

Anyways he is feeling weak, but is breathing mostly okay and he can be off oxygen when he is sitting in a chair...and his O2 sats stay ok for the most part. He will sleep better in his own bed here at Andy and Jen's home. 

After Jen got home from work I ran necessary errands for prescriptions, Post Office and grocery store. Nice to have a back up person!!

Sadie was happy to see Far Guy...then she decided to take a nap. She can survey the whole neighborhood watching for delivery people, squirrels and Andy's blue truck coming home...I swear she can hear it inside the house when he is a block away.   Lately the new puppy next door named Trixie  has her bugged. 

Far Side

Monday, March 3, 2025

Hospital Report

 I think that we got him into the hospital in the nick of time before he turned Septic as last year when he had Influenza A, Pneumonia and Sepsis his numbers were almost the same...however I am not a Dr. 

Bottom line is that he is improving with IV meds and nebulizer treatments every 2 to 4 hours. Yeah Far Guy...and I may bust him out on Monday or Tuesday.

He looks much better than Saturday!  

So this is the inside of the fancy new hospital.  He has a private bathroom and there is a recliner in the room and a couch under the window...where I had a nap!  The decor is mostly battleship grey and Far Guy says they must have bought the paint in 55 gallon drums. 

Here is the view out his window. He is on the third floor. Jen visited him in the morning, me all afternoon and then Jen and Andy at night. 

Note the wonderful parking situation, that is our vehicle parked by the little grey Valet Shack...they don't work late.  My keys were at the security desk.  

It took me eight minutes to walk from Far Guy's room to the vehicle.  It was 709 steps from the car to his room...that is about  1/3 of a mile.  You cannot even cross over on the mud because you know it was goopy mud.  Who ever designed this new hospital is a blooming idiot.  Yes I am older and have RA and it is a struggle to walk...but I made it.  Apparently they think that the only people coming into the hospital should be young people with no handicap.

Security is soon as you walk in the doors you are met by a person who asks you why you are there and escorts you to another desk where you have to show your drivers license and get your photograph taken and you are issued a sticky label with your name on it and the room you are supposed to go to...I suppose just in case you get lost.  

Oh yes the many colored moss on the wall behind the Security Desk is drying up and falling off.  The grout between the tiles is already I noticed that the grout lines are very clean near the walls.  There are still remnants of sheet rock dust and who ever cleans doors/cabinets needs a lesson as hand prints are visible.  Paint is falling off the wall in some places.  I think after the three or four years it took to build this monstrosity it would be better than it is.   Can you tell I am not impressed?  Not even with the grand staircase or the Grand Piano.

Far Side

Sunday, March 2, 2025


 Far Guy is in the hospital, he has a COPD exacerbation, he got a number of Nebs, blood work and xrays. We went to Urgent Care where they said he was too ill to be seen there and sent us over to the ER. 

I was with him all day, Jen took over in the late afternoon, so I could have some supper and get some rest. 

God willing and the crick don't rise I can bust him out of the hospital in a few days. 

Far Guy quote of the day " My body has had enough but my soul thinks otherwise."

Far Side

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Hello March!

 Far Guy is very ill but hanging in there...Jen and I have four eyes on him...six if you count Sadie who gets real excited when he is coughing.  The next couple of days will tell if we can avoid a hospital visit.  I think he is right on that bubble of getting worse...or better.  He is doing all that he can with neb treatments and his percussion vest along with lots of fluids, rest, steroids and antibiotics. 

I finished the yellow blanket with a white edge, I may send this one over to the consignment shop.

Yesterday it was a very windy day, Jen and I ventured over to the neighbors to visit their new 9 week old puppy her name is Trixie and she is awfully cute for a Toy Poodle/Lhasa apso/King Charles cross. Sadie had to inspect us when we got back home.

We all played SkyJo in the evening. Fun game. 

Far Side