Friday, December 1, 2023

Blueberry Beer

 We ventured into the Brewery on Main Street to buy some gift cards for a few special people.  We heard they had blueberry beer.  Yes it was blueberry color but tasted nothing like blueberries....and it had a terrible after taste...and that was just from one sip.  As you can tell I am not a beer connoisseur.  My beer consumption for the past year is at 1/2 of a glass of Coors and a sip of blueberry beer.  I never developed the hankering for beer.

The building used to be a bank. Then it was a popcorn shop ( remember it is a touristy town) and maybe something else and now a brewery. 

My first impression of the place was that the music was too loud and the selection of music not to my is definitely not a place to meet friends for conversation.  Maybe that is why we were the only people in the place. AND it was a good thing that the bartender just poured a sample of the beer into a glass.  Who knew the price for a beer is between $6 and $8...not me.  However the mural on the wall was interesting.

Far Side


  1. I have never been a beer drinker because I never enjoyed the taste of the stuff. But then, my brother gave me "Wild Blue" a blueberry beery produced by Budweiser and I fell in love. I would buy a six pack of bottles every so often and really enjoyed them. The Budweiser stopped making them and I have been beer less ever since. I guess I did try a few other blueberry beers out there but found all of the unpalatable.

  2. The price of beer is about what I would expect. Though I'm pretty certain I wouldn't enjoy a blueberry beer. I do, however, enjoy a hit of citrus. Blue Moon is my favorite. Craft breweries are big these days - our small city has at least a half dozen. Like you, I find them too noisy.

  3. I love a good beer but I like IPAs the best and cannot fathom beer with blueberries in it! That is a nice mural.

  4. Blueberry beer does sound interesting, if you like beer. I'm like you though and my consumption for the year is 0. We went out to a restaurant in Spokane with friends and it was the same. Music so loud that we couldn't talk at all. So much for visiting with friends while eating. Why do they do that? We never went back there even though the food was pretty good.

  5. I also never developed a taste for beer. Now wine, that's another subject!

  6. I'm not a fan of blueberries or beer so that would be a no for me! lol. I hate it when the music is too loud for conversation - regardless of whether it's good music or not.
    That is a lovely mural though.

  7. I love fresh blueberries, but blueberry beer sounds terrible. Blech. I am sure there are many folks out there that love it.

  8. I love beer, but that blueberry beer sounds gross.

  9. In the summer, I’ll occasionally drink a beer, but I don’t go out of my way to find one. Speciality beer does not appeal to me at all. Nice mural

  10. I enjoy a nice dark beer. Recently we tried a Chocolate Porter, very dark, and I liked it. DH not so much. Blueberry beer? No, thanks.

  11. Well, you can't pay folks $20 an hour to pour beer, and then sell it for a nickel a glass. You gotta remember, old fogies like us are not the target customer for these places. We are really not a target customer for any business any more, except maybe big pharma.

  12. Blueberry and beer - not a combination that I would dream of. But the breweries seem to be experimenting a lot these days with odds flavor combos. A couple of our neighbors are opening a new brewery in an old empty building here in Mitchell. Opening is planned for early 2024. They actually had samples of 3 of their beers at a neighborhood BBQ in September. I tasted one of them and it was good, but I usually only like beer when it's hot outside.

  13. I have never liked beer can't stand the smell of it either but many people do like it including 2 sisters and my brother but not me

  14. Yep! Drinks out are over the top in price anymore. That is why we don't order any (I do like beer) Just say'n.

  15. I like wheat beers with low hop flavor and dark smooth beers, but I seldom drink them.

  16. That doesn't even sound like a good combination.
    I can't stand loud places anymore, but when I was a young!

  17. I never liked beer until I went to Mexico and couldn't drink the water. I was in rural Mexico down by Belize. It was New Year's Eve and all they had was Coca Cola and Corona....I chose the Corona. I realized then that American beers to me were tasteless but I like the foreign beers. My favorite became Blue Moon with a slice of orange.

  18. I guess I would choose beer over whiskey, but water would top either choice.


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