Saturday, December 9, 2023

Look alike

 Sadie goes to doggie daycare on Thursdays.  Far Guy and Jen went to pick her up.  

They picked up Sadie but she  keep making whinny noises.  Something was not quite right something was wrong.  Jen pulled over to check her out and discovered that she was a he and not Sadie.

Seems the daycare attendant gave them Felix instead of Sadie.  They look exactly alike...perhaps they were litter mates. 

A while back Andy picked up Sadie but it was not Sadie and he knew as he lifted her into the vehicle that it was not Sadie...the other dog was heavier. 

Far Guy and Jen got half way home before they figured it out.  They returned Felix and traded him for Sadie.  

Life is interesting with a Golden retriever! 

Far Side


  1. I've known a half dozen golden retrievers that looked exactly like Felix and Sadie. It certainly is good that Felix let them know that something was wrong.

  2. I hope Sadie was not stressed out by being left behind! I have a friend whose husband was supposed to pick up their son and daughter at daycare- and yup, he only picked up the son and not the daughter!!! We still laugh about it 20 years later, but really, how do you not know one child is not enough in the car??? Felix is a smart dog.

  3. Now that is interesting! Twinsies!

    Glad that was figured out.

  4. No wonder the dog was whimpering. Who ARE these people?

  5. Oh my - that gave me a chuckle this morning. Felix and Sadie are both such gorgeous dogs. Samson (our daughter's Golden #1) is that same color. The new one they just got is cream. Goldens seem to have such sweet personalities.

  6. That's funny. My guess is it will be a while before they make that mistake again. Life is always an adventure with a pet.

  7. That is an incredible story. I would think they, all people involved, would have doubts which dog they have every time now. Sadie needs a pink bow placed somewhere or pink collar.

  8. Yes, something was very wrong! This is funny. Probably not to Felix.

  9. That was an alarming situation for both dog and owners.

  10. That's hilarious! They need to add a ribbon or bow to Sadie...though I suppose that wouldn't last long.

  11. That's kind of scary isn't it? I can only imagine how confused the poor dogs would be. Poor Felix and poor Sadie. She probably was wondering why she was being left behind. So glad it was figured out, both times.
    Blessings and love,

  12. Oh no! Some might ask how that is possible, but we have seen goldens that look exactly like our Bailey and yellow labs that look just like Dakota.

  13. To have it happen once was bad enough--but twice? You'd think they would learn to look closer at doggy daycare. LOL!

  14. Well at least you didn't pick up the wrong child, that would not be as funny as getting the wrong doggie

  15. How funny! It sounds like Felix was trying to tell them. ; )

  16. I'm glad it was discovered relatively quickly, or there may have been two stressed out dogs wondering what just happened.

  17. I think Sadie and Felix are doppelgangers!

  18. I wonder if Far Guy and Jen were chatting and distracted otherwise they would surely have noticed. Glad everything turned out okay.

  19. Oh goodness. Felix must have been very confused! And poor Sadie must have wondered why she was abandoned. I guess we will be checking body parts from now on!!!

  20. Oh my gosh.....doesn't Sadie wear a collar or something? Crazy.

  21. Well, that is amusing, but so sad for the dog!

  22. Good thing they didn't give them another female! Why was he wearing Sadie's collar?

  23. Hi Shirley, They take all the dogs collars and leashes off them during daycare. They used to have special collars with their names on them...but have discontinued that, I think it is a safety thing as other dogs can pull on their collars.

  24. That's the best laugh I've had all month...too funny!


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