Monday, December 18, 2023


 It was a day to celebrate Christmas with our Grandchildren or like I call them the "Grands."

We had lots of food; egg bake, little smokies wrapped in bacon, fruit and cinnamon rolls...and a plate full of Christmas goodies.  I even had a mimosa!  We gathered late in the morning to do brunch. 

We played games for prizes, had a white elephant gift exchange and opened stockings. 

Fun times!  Wonderful to see them all together.

Here they are tallest to shortest from left to right.  From right to left is their birth order.  They are a Grand group of young adults!  

Far Side


  1. That sounds like a wonderful time spent with the grands making memories. Merry Christmas to all.

  2. They are such beautiful and confident adults! You can see it in their stance and smiles.

  3. They are all so good looking! Nice picture and one to treasure for all the years to come. :-)

  4. How awesome to get them all together - and get a smiling photo too! Brunch and white elephant gifts sounds like a terrific gathering.

  5. That is such a great photo of the grands. I bet it was just a wonderful time with grands and great grands.

  6. It sounds wonderful! They look as if they enjoy each others company too. I can't believe how old they are getting to be. Just yesterday they were little tots! :-)
    Blessings and hugs,

  7. A grand day with the Grands. It sounds like a fantastic day for all of you.

  8. Gosh! They are all grown up now!
    And there are great-grands, too!
    How time flies. I do enjoy these group grand-photos you take. :)

  9. Our grandchildren grow up so fast, one minute they are babies the next they are young adults

  10. Wonderful! I always enjoy your tallest to shortest photos, and then how cool that the reverse is their age order.

  11. What a wonderful holiday celebration. It's always an occasion when you can gather them all at once and I am glad you got a group photo! Your brunch sounds delicious and what a great group of activities, too. A wonderful start to Christmas week.

  12. What a fun celebration for you... your grands look great!

  13. Your Grands have grown so much! They are all such fine-looking young adults too. Your holiday celebration sounds perfect!

  14. What a "grand" celebration! It sounded like a lot of fun and precious memories were made I'm sure!


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