Saturday, December 2, 2023

Magic Ice Revisited

 I wrote this blog post a number of years ago ( November of 2008).  I am reminded of Magic Ice when ever we have a November that is clear and cold enough to make good ice before it snows. 

Magic Ice does not happen every year...only a few special years. This photo was taken on November 24, 2023 on Fishhook River one of the first mornings it was frozen over.

Far Side

"Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience." Ralph Waldo Emerson

Magic Ice

If the weather holds cold with no snow the lakes will soon be perfect. Maybe the magic ice will arrive. Ice that only comes every ten years or so here in Minnesota, perfect ice for skaters on the lake.

The teenage girls, would check the ice everyday after school. "Mom do you think it is safe yet?" NO, not yet, be patient girls." Then one day I say they can skate but only along the shore, and only in front of our place, and only when I am there, watching... ready to haul them out should the ice crack and they were to take an icy dip. Magic Ice, sometimes this ice would then be defiled by icy rains and heavy snows, disappointment..patience was not rewarded its full due.

Once in a great while, for a few days it is the true magic ice. The magic ice you wait years for. After school the teenage girls run down the drive arriving breathless with excitement. "It didn't snow! Lets go MOM!" I have checked the ice, it is safe, they can skate out further in the lake today, maybe today will be the day that they can skate across the entire lake. The lure of being able to skate across this magic ice has a pull on them like Norwegians to a Lutefisk dinner.

The ice is clear, stretching out across the lake, clear and spooky. You can lay on your belly and shield out the light with your mittened hands and stare into the murky depths. You can see the weed beds, the submerged logs, ancient trees, and the black drop offs. The dogs would lick my face and rouse me from my under ice explorations if to say "Pay attention to the girls." The ice would be like a huge frozen mirror, with a series of cracks and fissures that must be there every year, but only visible in magic ice years.
The girls would skate, sometimes chasing each other in a game of tag, sometimes hand in hand. Giggling, cheeks bright red, eyes sparkling. "Mom the ice is great! Can we skip school tomorrow? Ice as great as this shouldn't be wasted." "NO, you have to go to school, what kind of Mother lets their kids skip school to go ice skating anyway."

Only a few years was the ice make it safely across the lake, I would watch them on the opposite shore, specks skating along. Specks growing larger as they skated toward me and the safety of home..on Magic Ice:)


  1. I can only remember one year during my childhood when we had "magic ice" although I have never heard it called that. We spent many hours on our farm pond that year, sliding and skating until exhaustion.

  2. I've not heard of magic ice before. It sounds idyllic. What wonderful memories for all who were able to enjoy it.

  3. You should write a book! I never heard of Magic Ice but I used to skate on a pond as a kid. I also got frostbite on my toes and hands when I got dropped off at another pond and then the other gal didn't show up so I had no ride this day I have a hard time in the cold with my hands and feet. I did love to skate though!

  4. What a great explaination of magic ice. I just commented to Dennis yesterday that the ice on the pond down the road looks completely clear and perfect. It must be magic ice! How neat is that?
    Blessings and hugs,

  5. I grew up in the deep south of the US so there was no magic ice for us. But, once when I was a child about 6 I guess, the river froze over and people walked out on it. That was very strange but we didn't live near the river. I do remember the snow that came with though. Have a good one. Latane

  6. It's a treat to skate on magic ice. I haven't looked but this should be a good year for magic ice.

  7. I know it from the lake near our house growing up, but I didn't know it was called magic ice. I wasn't a skater--had no knack for it--roller or ice--lol!
    This was such a beautiful post! Great memories! Thanks, Connie! :)

  8. When we were kids we liked to go to Hart's Basin to skate...we always hoped for ice like that---it only happens once in a very great while.
    Nice writing, Connie

  9. Beautiful info about Magic Ice and a gorgeous photo. Linda

  10. Thanks for reposting this, and for letting us know you once again have magic ice! A cause to celebrate, with skates, carefully.

  11. This is a great post. I have never heard of magic ice. I know I never skated on it.

  12. Loved the story! Never heard of Magic Ice before.

  13. I like the story of your magic ice. I think I might have been tempted to let my kids miss a day of school if it was that rare a thing.

  14. No magic ice where I grew up in New York City. Your post made it come alive for me. Beautiful.

  15. Never heard of Magic Ice. This was a treat! I would have skipped school to skate if I'd had the opportunity.


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