Sunday, December 17, 2023

Fun or not

 Busy day yesterday, a funeral...not much fun but necessary to have closure. It was a ninety minute drive and the roads were decent until the last seven icy miles.  Dawn and Gravy were at the funeral and Far Guy and there were two of Dave's classmates present.  The church was full, there was standing room only.  

The message was clear, celebrate that you have faith and are assured of a heavenly home. 

"If God is for us who can be against us?"

 Dave planned everything for his funeral service right down to the lunch served after the service.  He chose the foods he like best; scalloped potatoes with ham, pickles, turkey buns, ham buns, cinnamon bread spread with cheese whiz and topped with olives, baked beans, huge bowls of fruit and plates of baked sweets.   There were doughnut balls and coffee near the entrance of the church so no one would go into the service hungry.  Dave was a thoughtful guy. 

A puzzle we finished this week, it was a difficult may notice a funny looking piece toward the top...Sadie was helping. 

Far Side


  1. I'm sorry about the loss of Dave. He sounds like a great person.

  2. Funerals. Such a sad but necessary thing. My father didn't want one so we had a luncheon and invited his friends to come. My brother and I put together a slide show of his life that we put on his TV.

    I'm sorry for the loss of your friend especially near Christmas.

  3. I may have to get a new puzzle. Dave planned his own party, no parting..

  4. So sad to lose someone at Christmas time but what an honor to have so many come to say good bye. It's funny but I was reading that exact phrase from the Bible just last night.
    The puzzle is beautiful! Have fun today!

  5. Great message at the funeral. So thankful you all were able to attend. He must have been someone very special to have such a packed church with people having to travel icy roads. How awesome was he to have planned the food?!!! What a great idea. It is the first I have heard of that and I like it.

  6. May Dave's soul rest in eternal peace. Sounds like he was well loved! And a unique character. Olives and cheez whiz on cinnamon bread? That's a first!
    Glad you made it safely there and back.
    Beautiful puzzle.

  7. My sympathies on the passing of your friend Dave. I've known people to plan their funerals - my mom was one - but I've not heard of anyone planning the lunch after the service. He certainly wanted to make sure everyone was well cared for.

    Oh Sadie, she certainly likes to have fun. At least she didn't eat the piece entirely.

  8. I've gone to 2 visitations in the past 2 weeks. And come spring there will be memorial services for 2 of Dave's cousins that passed in October and last week. The up-side, if there is one, is that we get to see people we haven't connected with in a long time. It is comforting to be able to say goodbye and have some closure.

  9. My Dad's mother planned her funeral right down to when the dirt was to go on the lid. Made it easy for her second husband who couldn't do anything productive ever.

  10. Sorry for your loss. Dave must have been someone who wanted to show his caring beyond his end.

  11. He does sound like he was a thoughtful guy. I think I know where Sadie added her help to the puzzle. It's pretty neat to see it all finished like that.

  12. There is something about planning what you want that appeals to me. Fewer decisions for family.
    That said, my husband told me not to have a funeral, and I said I'd rather have one as friends and family gather! I won!

  13. Dave sounds like a remarkable guy. I'm glad you could be there for his life celebration.

  14. Sorry for the loss of your friend. He sounds like a pretty great guy!

  15. That's a beautiful puzzle. I like the message at Dave's funeral. He sounds like a guy full of fun in life. Planning the meal is a new thing I've never heard of. It all sounds good, except I've never heard of cinnamon bread, cheese whiz and olives!

  16. Funerals are not fun but are part of life and help those left behind have some kind of peace

  17. I watched a funeral on line of a young man who died of cancer. He had made friends with all the Chosen actors in Utah and he had three of them speak at his funeral. Your friend left you two with good memories even though it was sad to lose him.

  18. Sounds like he was very thoughtful of his friends, even at the end. Again, sorry for your loss.


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