Thursday, December 21, 2023


 We got a gift from my baby brother and his bride. 

 December 8th

This is a photo right after they arrived.  The bulbs are dipped in wax, you just set them out and watch them grow.  No water needed. 

December 15th

December 19th 

The silver one finally decided to join the party! 

It is fun to see how much they have grown everyday. 

Anniversary Report: Harry's had great steaks and cheesecake with strawberry dipping sauce and caramel drizzle oh and carrot made for a perfect celebration dinner! ( I took my own favorite steak sauce ...Heinz 57...I tucked the bottle into the pocket of my parka....perfect.)

 Far Side


  1. Awesome!
    I've never seen Amaryllis in wax before. I have purchased them for myself and my Mother in Law years ago for Christmas. We sure enjoyed them.

    We had a nice steak dinner last night too...must have been to celebrate with you!
    He cooked the steak and I did the fixings!


  2. I saw those amaryllis bulbs dipped in wax, and wondered how on earth they would grow. Very interesting - you'll have to let us know how they do over the next few weeks.

    Your steak dinner sounds great...especially the desserts. :)

  3. Those are fun to watch grow. I look forward to your showing me the plants when they are fully grown.

  4. I am with you on carrying condiments! I take the Paul Newman Raspberry Vinagerette with me to a couple of restaurants. A salad is always better when you have your favorite dressing - - - same with your steak sauce. It sounds like you had a perfect celebration! I am glad. You two deserve it.

  5. It always astounds me how fast they grow! I love that they look like Christmas balls. :-) Dinner sounds perfect, even sneaking in your own steak sauce.
    Blessings and hugs,

  6. I had no idea this is how they grow! You are very sly with the sauce. I'm glad you got to eat at Harry's, it sound wonderful.

  7. Well, that's a new one about starting bulbs. Never heard of that before.

  8. I hope you keep showing the amaryllis bulbs! I have never grown one and never have seen them looking like Christmas ornaments, either.

    So funny you sneaking in your Heinz 57 sauce! What a wonderful meal! Happy anniversary again. :)

  9. Your brother’s gift is very special.

  10. Amaryllis might be slow in letting out but once they start growth is quite amazing. But I doubt you'll get blooms in time for Christmas ( Neither will I since not one of mine has so much as a bud.)

  11. Sounds like a perfect meal!
    Who would ever have come up with waxing bulbs? Interesting.

  12. I noticed some similar amaryllis at Walmart the other day. How neat!

  13. I love that idea with the amaryllis. Mine are sprouting up now that they are in the grow room under lights.

  14. So glad you guys got to go out to Harry's and celebrate big time! Heinz 57 is my favorite too....and I know not every restaurant carried it. Your desserts sound good too. Congrats again on 54 years together!

  15. I've never seen amaryllis in wax. That is pretty darn cool! I am going to be keeping my eyes open for some.

    Your Anniversary Dinner sounds delicious! Smart cookie taking your own sauce :) I have been known to tote some decent tea bags in case of emergency.

  16. I am so glad the food was great. I have never seen amaryllis like that. I hope they all perform. I was disappointed with our night's meal out tonight. Pizza didn't taste like pizza and food was cold even though they were on warmer trays.

  17. I wonder if the height of the stalk and blooms will topple the bulbs. I didn’t buy a bulb this year, so I’ll enjoy your updates on these three.

  18. I've seen these online, and wondered how they worked!

  19. Those Amaryllis are amazing! I've never seen that before...very cool! Please keep showing their progress. Your dinner sounded great and I see you made some caramels. They are on my list too. Do you make the microwave ones?


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