Monday, December 11, 2023

December Book Club

Our read for December Book Club was The Book Woman's Daughter.

 This was the sequel to The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek which was our October read.   I enjoyed both books...I gave the first book a nine so I will give this one the same score.   All the women enjoyed the book. ( I think most of us prefer Historical Fiction)

Far Side


  1. I like historical fiction. I’ve read both of these books. I’d give an 8 or 9 too.

  2. I will read this, I read the first and really liked it.

  3. I've never heaard of that book but I think you're right about the historical fiction. I thinkk most of us like it.

  4. My favorite genre is historical fiction.

  5. Thank you for the suggestion. I'm low on reading material.

  6. Sounds like another good book.
    Never been in a book club but it sounds like fun. :)

  7. I have not read the sequel so will look and see if it is on Libby through our public library.

  8. The digital library has it. I got the audio on my phone and will listen while doing things around the house. Thanks for the recommendation!!!

  9. Your first one is still on my list to read. I have to pick and choose what to read, even with my Kindle my eyes no longer work very well. I am glad to know there is a sequel to the earlier book.

  10. Your book does look good. I like historical fiction too.

  11. I feel guilt because I have two books that I need to read and have not. I really like to read. If I would get off the step ladders and sit down once in a while I bet I could get it done.

  12. I still have the first book in my "to-read" pile. I can't keep up!!!

  13. I just finished a book today that is also historical fiction.


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