Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Getting ready

 One by one things are getting ready for the Christmas Gathering.  I must make Pumpkin Bread as the Grands think it is required along with Far Guys Caramel Rolls.  Some traditions go on and on with foods they recall from when they were little. 

We are gathering with them on Sunday the 17th so that means everything should be done well before actual Christmas. 

I made envelopes for their gifts.  Stocking stuffers will be purchased this week.  I am certain that will put me in a mood to be thankful that we just do stockings and one gift to do a white elephant exchange. 

Far Side


  1. Pumpkin bread & cinnamon rolls. Yum! I'm doing my Christmas on the 17th too since Daughter's family has other's to visit too.

  2. Isn't it great the the grands have memories of these traditions? I do love to do the same things each year for our now grown kids.

  3. We've celebrated Christmas early on a few occasions - I don't mind it, as the needed items aren't picked over quite yet. Got to love the last minute shoppers.

  4. Ours are coming on Dec 19. We will have Tacos this year. I gave them a vote with three meal choices. It is actually easier for me. We have generally given one or two gifts and rounded out our "amount" with some cash. You may remember in the past, we made clues and they had to find the money. We did it mainly for the grandchildren but the adults liked it a lot, too. A couple of them are quite competitive. This year we are going to play some games I discovered on the internet. One of them involves Candy Canes. Did you know you can buy them in all kinds of candy flavors like Jolly Rancher, Sour Gummies, Hawaiian Punch, etc. etc. However my energy and time are not what they have been in the past for various reasons so the decorating will be much less.

  5. I'd be all for a tradition of your pumpkin bread and FarGuy's caramel rolls! Early Christmas and less presents to deal with sounds like a good plan. :)

  6. I need to go get a few more items. SOON it will be your anniversary!!!

  7. Holiday memories and food are linked in my family, too. Far Guy’s caramel rolls sound tasty.

  8. I'd vote for the pumpkin bread and caramel rolls!

  9. Your Christmas traditions sound delicious! Ours are pecan pie and apple cake. It's interesting how we all have special food memories of the holidays. Your holiday gathering will be wonderful!

  10. Lots of baking in my future too - but we aren't gathering until the 23rd!

  11. I think your holiday plan sounds like a lot of fun. And yes, there are those "required" foods. I'm making the required cookie today - a cream cheese spritz made in wreath shape and decorated with icing and cinnamon red hots. One year I skipped making them - and there were complaints. LOL

  12. Caramel rolls sound nice, pumpkin bread never tried it

  13. Yes, the children want their traditional holiday food even after they are grown.Early Christmas-why not? My son and we don't exchange gifts although I do prepare a stocking for him.

  14. Sounds like fun getting ready for your Christmas celebration on Sunday. Hope everybody has a wonderful time! I love pumpkin bread and caramel rolls!

  15. Our Christmas is on the 23rd so I have a little more time. We give them all an amusement park pass and I do stockings, but we are up to 21 people and it is getting tricky. One more shopping trip I think.

  16. It's the preparation and excitement that builds!

  17. It's all about the food in my book! Sounds wonderful!

  18. It is so great that you still have a group, family, coming to celebrate. I can hear all the excitement and the dogs will be so happy for company.


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