Sunday, December 10, 2023

Looking out

 We went from brown and slightly green to white overnight.

Looking out the computer room window.

Out the kitchen windows.

Yes it was bound to happen sooner or later. 

I did not go out...Andy did and he said the roads were awful.  The wind blew most of the day, in the country there were white out conditions.  Interstate 29 was closed from Fargo to Canada.

FYI  A low pressure system moving into the area is the pits for arthritis.   It was a rough day. 

Far Side


  1. Sorry about the arthritis.
    We've gone from rain to ice to snow, and it's all melting now. Such a mess.

  2. A very good day to stay inside. I am sorry you are achy.

  3. Oh my goodness, you sure enough got an abundance quickly! How many inches fell?
    I totally agree with your about the low pressure! I do not suffer as much as some but it definitely affects me.

  4. Snow fell yesterday (Saturday) but thankfully not as much as you received. Lots of accidents on I-80 due to high winds and slick surfaces. My arthritis is flaring because of the change in atmospheric pressure - not pleasant.

  5. You did get blasted with snow! We didn't. I can always tell when the pressure drops for the same reason. It is the pits.

  6. Oh my, you certainly got a dump of snow. I hope the low pressure system moves quickly, not only because of the snow but your arthritis too.

  7. We have not had our first big snowstorm yet. I'm hoping we will have snow for our Virginia grandsons when they visit in another two weeks... but not while they are traveling north please!

  8. SNOW!!! I suppose it is to be expected, but still...

    Weather is such a bug-a-boo for bodies. Stay inside and keep warm!

  9. We had less snow than you did up there and it blew so ferociously that we have drifts but grass still peeking through--lol! Aha! Maybe that is why I was so achy yesterday. Arthritis. I have pain all over all the time so I really don't notice if it is the weather or my activity that causes worse days. I hope today is better for you and the roads are better now, too.

  10. That's a lot of snow! On the bright side, looks like you should have a white Christmas. We are still on track for a brown Christmas so far.
    Sorry that it makes your arthritis flare up.

  11. I didn't send you the snow this time. We don't have snow in the forecast but it will happen.

  12. Sorry about your arthritis faring up. Hope it calms down and you can be more comfortable.

  13. Those swings in the barometer surely do make things ache. I know.

    The snow is pretty and nice as long as you don't have to drive in it.

    We had some snow but just enough to make things look like sugar got sprinkled everywhere.

  14. It’s pretty and covers up the brown. We had a little flurry yesterday morning, but mostly it was just wind and cold. Arthritis and weather changes just don’t make any of us happy.

  15. The snow looks pretty but looks can be deceiving at times

  16. Well, now you have winter! Will the green be gone until May?
    After some very dark, wet days, we are getting a bit of sunshine.

  17. FSOF: I am sure you got more snow than we did, but here in "the cities" it is white all over. And I'm with you on the low pressure system moving in causing pain. It also can cause pain in scar tissue as well as arthritic joints. Either way... quite unpleasant. eh? Sorry for your rough day. Not fun. Hang in there and stay safe. From Goodnightgram

  18. So sorry to hear about your arthritis pain.....but it sure looks beautiful out those windows!

  19. It's beautiful, but you can keep it there. :-) We had 40-50 mph winds yesterday and flurries, but no snow stuck. Today was 43F. The arthritis in my feet is awful today, so I can sympathize.I hope the pain goes away quickly for you.

  20. You got moved just in time. Imagine the drive in this from your home….in the nick of time, you are snug.

  21. I am not a fan of snow storms. I am glad you are all safe and sound. Stay warm.

  22. I'm a weather geek and I saw that front coming across....sorry about the RA hurting.


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