Friday, December 8, 2023

44 years

 My other baby brother and she who sees robins first are celebrating 44 years of wedded bliss today! 

I scanned this photo, it was amongst all the photos my Mom kept.  Funny thing I do not recall their wedding dance....of course we had two small children so we probably didn't stay long.   Not sure who took the photo or where the dance was.
Happy Anniversary!
Far Side


  1. Happy Anniversary to those 2. I love looking at old pictures.

  2. Congratulations to your brother and SIL!

  3. What a great photo of the two of them! I love the dresses back in our day.

  4. What a great gift it is to still have that photo memory. Happy anniversary to the happy couple!

  5. Happy Anniversary to your brother and SIL. I always enjoy the old pictures ❤

  6. Happy anniversary to them! Looks a little like our wedding dance, which was the same era. 47 years for us this coming March.

  7. As long as they are happy together and had more good years then bad in those 44 years

  8. Always fun to see the fashions of years gone by. Happy anniversary to them.

  9. Fun to find pictures you didn't know about.
    Happy anniversary to them! :)

  10. Happy Anniversary! That picture doesn't look that long ago to me. I guess that really shows my age.

  11. Happy Anniversary to your brother and his "robin" wife.

  12. Happy Anniversary. Time flies by.

  13. Happy Anniversary to them! I love the picture. We will celebrate our 44th anniversary this January. Time does fly!

  14. Neither my husband or I can remember what song we danced to at our wedding. Back then it wasn't common for couples to pick their wedding song. We did pick the songs that were sung in the church though and we do remember those!


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