Thursday, November 30, 2023

Getting Ready

 We are getting ready for the move Up North for the Winter.  The last minute things have been gathered and the pile on the love seat in the living room is growing.   Basically it is last minute "stuff."

I will clean out the deep freeze just before we leave.  Some frozen foods are going with us and the rest will reside in the fridge freezer for the rest of the Winter.   We will be back from time to time as the weather permits and an easy to warm up freezer meal works for us. 

Next week we have appointments most of the week...six least we don't have to worry about the weather or driving conditions....and some dogs will be thrilled to see us again.

Far Side


  1. Dogs are such good friends. Always glad when you come home.

  2. I think it's awesome that you are able to spend the winter "up north". I'm not sure I could live with either of my adult children for more than a weekend. LOL And they probably feel the same way.

    Enjoy the doggie love!!

  3. Wishing you safe travels as you head for your winter home. I'm sure the pups will be thrilled to have your company and attention!

  4. Happy dogs, happy you! That's a lot of appointments.

  5. Seems funny that you are moving up north. Usually it's down south for winters.

  6. Safe travel to your home away from home.

  7. Good travel weather for sure. Sounds like you have been very busy preparing. Those two dogs will be so happy that you two humans will be around for the winter! Sadie is such a character. Maybe she will be a little calmer now that she's getting older. Could be wishful thinking--lol! :)

  8. We too are putting on the final touches before winter and our departure. It is always bittersweet, we hate to leave, but look forward to seeing new things as well!

  9. Last minute stuff seems to always be around just loke doggies that love to see us

  10. I will look forward to seeing your furry friends. Safe travels.

  11. I too look forward to hearing all about your trip up north. And seeing the dogs, too!

  12. Just tried posting a comment and it failed. I'll try again, just to let you know I'm thinking of you.

  13. I'm looking forward to stories about Sadie and Little Elvis this winter. They are both so sweet. I show Zoey their pictures on the computer but she doesn't seem impressed. :-)
    Safe travels for you both. The weather looks really good so far.

  14. So does this mean you are leaving this weekend to head North? And all of your six appointments next week are up North? Wishing you safe travels and a very happy, healthy winter with your family up North. Wish I could do something like that too....sounds like such fun. Take good care. Looking forward to reading your posts from "up there."

  15. Can't wait to hear about your adventures in your "winter home".

  16. You are so fortunate to have such a wonderful family and that you can relax a little as far as the weather and driving to appointments. They have such a beautiful and roomy home.


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