Sunday, November 19, 2023


 I lined up some deliveries to relatives.  Old Photographs that my Mom had saved over the years.   I started at one of my Dad's second cousins Hazel, then my Aunt Sharon, my cousin Danny (I met his dog Mick),  then lunch with my Aunt Judy, off to catch my cousin Holly's husband and son, and finally I ventured to my Uncle Al's.  It was a nice day to be out and about.  49 F or 10 C eh!  

When my Aunt Judy asked me to lunch, I asked her to "keep it simple"  Well...we had grilled ham and cheese on homemade sourdough bread, pickles, strawberries, grapes and then peach pie for dessert....with about the best pie crust I have ever tasted...musta been the lard:)  She is all alone now after my Uncle Dennis died a number of years ago so she gets a bit lonely. 

My Uncle Al was in fine form, he is feeling better after some Nuclear Chemo treatments.  He was seven years old when I was born...and the chief baby rocker for his  brother and sister and Mom lived with her parents when my Dad went to Korea...and there were three babies in the house.  My Grandmother had twins two months after I was born and she was 40 years old. 

Lots of diapers on the cloths line with three babies in the house. 

Far Side



  1. When I was dating my husband, we would go hang out with his sister, her husband and their new baby. We would bring the pizza and fold diapers in front of the tv. Memories.
    Glad you had great weather for your family visiting. A great day for memories and that lunch sounds fabulous.

  2. Your aunt's lunch made me chuckle. It sounds absolutely lovely and delicious. I'm sure the entire day of visiting brought back a lot of memories for everyone in the family.

    I used cloth diapers for both of my kids until they went to the babysitter. Never had that many though, thank goodness!

  3. Lard makes a very tasty and flaky pie crust - nothing else comes close. Love the photo of the diapers on the line!

  4. And those diapers would freeze solid in the winter :)

  5. Love the clothesline filled with diapers!

  6. That was a great round of visits. Good that you live near to relatives.

  7. I just found this a nice enjoyable post, haven't been visiting anyone in years

  8. What a wonderful family you have, and so many so close that you can just go visit then in one day!
    I love the pic and the story behind the diapers on the clothes line.

  9. Wow! That was a lot of deliveries. Perfect weather for it, too. Nice! :)

  10. I think it is so wonderful for you to share the pictures. Ada was born when Erin was 40. She is a blessing not expected.

  11. My Mom had twins when she was 42 and another baby 2 years later. That year her first grandchild was born. Those were the days. Love that old picture.

  12. How wonderful of you to run around and make deliveries of all those old beloved photos. I'm sure they were greatly appreciated! And you got a great lunch out of the deal too. Lucky you.

  13. Twin uncles born after you were born. I had a cousin that went through high school with his uncle from his mom's side of the family. Lard was snuck into all of my mom's pie crust as she knew the lard was hard on her blood system. Lard does make it better and I was raised on it most of my young life.

  14. No doubt your relatives appreciated your visit & treasured photos!

  15. How neat are those old photos!

    That's what my clothes line looked like when my boys were little and before we went camping and started using disposable diapers.
    I didn't mind hanging the diapers out on the line when we lived in the countryside.

  16. Oh my - all those diapers handing in the winter sunshine! I can only imagine how much your mom probably enjoyed that time with all the babies in the house. It goes by in a flash!

  17. Thos diapers take me back in time!

  18. Another great picture. What a good story it tells along with your version.

  19. seeing the diapers on the line made me think of my poor Mom . She told us one time, that she was embrassed with all the diapers (4 kids ) so she would hang some inside and some outside. Barb. Montreal Canada


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