Thursday, November 23, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving!

 We plan to gather for dinner with my baby brother, his bride and our Mother.  They are doing the turkey.  I made the pumpkin pie without a crust, green beans with bacon and the mashed potatoes.

Most people are traveling a long way for Thanksgiving, we will hop in Ranger Blue and drive a half of a mile.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all! 

Far Side


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Connie. Enjoy your day.

  2. Nice! 1/2 mile is perfect for travel.
    We aren't going anywhere which is pretty standard for us.

    We will probably have some hunter folk stop by for a visit with hubby.

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving, and a short drive away! Bonus.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to you! Very thankful for you that you get to be a guest with loved ones. Your contributions sound delicious.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  6. A fun ride in a fun vehicle to visit fun people! YAY! Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. I’m living like you. I’ll go to the feast on my Kawasaki Mule. I was assigned rolls and mash potatoes. I’ve got those mastered.

  8. I hope you had a wonderful day with loved ones.

  9. Our turkey is smoking in the grill outside, in mostly sunny weather! There's a lull in the prep now as we did a lot yesterday. The Macy's Thanksgiving Parade is on the TV on my right as I type. Fun.
    Happy Thanksgiving, to you and yours, Connie.

  10. Happy Thanksgiving! Hop and skip away is a good thing. ;)

  11. Happy Thanksgiving Connie and Gene....sounds like a perfect Thanksgiving Dinner to me. Hope you all had a wonderful time. Hope your Mom is doing well too.

  12. Without a crust? At that point wouldn't it just be a pumpkin flavored custard?

    We raise and pressure can Hubbard squash for our pumpkin pies and I generally use two canned pints per pumpkin pie. To can squash, it must be cut into cubes and so a pint won't produce 16 ounces of pumpkin puree that most recipes call for. So I generally end up with a bit extra that won't fit into the pie plate with crust. I just pour that into a ramekin and eat it like a custard. It does taste good that way but I prefer the texture with a well made crust.

  13. Sounds like a perfect plan. Happy Thanksgiving!


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