Thursday, November 16, 2023

Somedog was happy!

 We loaded the car with woodcarving supplies, tools and yarn.  We took a road trip up North to deliver  "stuff" to our Winter home. 

Somedog was happy to see us. 

Little Elvis was happy too! 

A few more weeks and we will be up North for the Winter.  It was a great day for a drive no worry about ice or snow it was 56 F or 13 C and sunny! 

I should have enough yarn up there for the Winter...if not I know where the store that sells it is.   We had a nice lunch with Jen and were back home before it got dark at 5PM. 

Far Side



  1. Such a beautiful dog. Have fun knitting this winter. Glad you know where the store is... you may need to go. I know I would.

  2. I was thinking it was getting close to time for this to be happening. Glad to hear the update. We look forward to hearing about the good times you all will be having together - - from the delicious meals to being closer in town to appointments. You can tell that beautiful pup is happy to know you are returning soon and she will have company all day! It looks like she is pinning down a person so you can't leave to return home for the rest of your stuff.

  3. "up NORTH for the winter" - seems like it should be the opposite. LOL But I think you've enjoyed being at your daughter's during the winter. And it's obvious that the fur babies are looking forward to having you there.

  4. Such a happy face! Yesterday was a really nice day.

  5. Sweet to get such a sincere welcome from lovable pets! You picked a good day to drop off a load of Winter projects & goodies. Winter is coming, even if it doesn't feel like.

  6. Perfect weather for a quick trip bringing stuff for the winter.
    Sadie is so beautiful, as usual. So is Little Elvis, of course. :)

  7. I'm sure Sadie will be thrilled to have company for the winter. It's nice too that you can be close to family as well.

  8. Hope you settle into your new nest and are warm and cozy.

  9. I know you enjoy being with your children and grandchild, but I think you might just enjoy those four legged family members a little more. Glad you had a nice day to start moving.

  10. The winter caretakers stopped for a visit. Both dogs will live the good life with extra people loving them so much. It is good to get the things you need for your winter work. I am hoping for a mild winter down here.

  11. That's Some Dog alright.
    I wondered when you might be making the move.

  12. I know you're going to have a wonderful time with Sadie and Little Elvis. It's good to get the important things there and ready for you. :-) Yarn and wood-working things are very important. I foresee many happy family times over the next few months for you all.

  13. You guys are so blessed to have that wonderful home to look forward to again this winter. Bet the two pups can't wait to see you too. How nice for you.

  14. Looks like she was very pleased to see you!

    I figured it was nearing that time!

  15. I was wondering if you were about ready to head north. How far is it from your at home yarn shop?

  16. 137 miles it takes about 2 1/2 hours if the roads are good


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