Thursday, November 2, 2023

Second Snow

 It snowed again...our second snow ( Monday night and Tuesday morning).  Wouldn't you know it...the one day that I had a Doctor appointment at the butt crack of dawn.  

I learned how to inject myself with a new medication (Humira) for my Rheumatoid Arthritis.  I hope this one works.  I was sick for about 24 hours...tired...and felt like my bones were burning up but I was chilled.  Go figure.  I have to do the injections every two weeks.  Good thing we have good insurance as it is about 6K a month and our insurance covered all but $34   I am not sure how anyone affords the medication without good insurance. 

Then Far Guy had an appointment later that morning.  Dermatology...there were some areas on his head that I thought looked suspicious for skin cancer and the Dr called them pre cancerous, so she froze them.  She also took a biopsy from the top of his results on that yet. He survived.

By that time the snow was melting on the roads.  

Since then the snow has melted off our patio too.  So the second snow is not sticking around. 

Beth got to come home from the hospital on Monday.  She will recover slowly at home. 

Far Side


  1. I love to see the snow. Glad Beth is home. 🙂

  2. Uff. Those self injections aren't so terrible, if they are like the ones I had to do. If not, call me queasy!

    Hopefully this works for you.

    Sounds like a lot of doctor visits going on.
    I'm glad Beth got to come home from the hospital.

    Looks like winter is really here!

  3. I sure hope that new medication works. It must be hard to inject yourself, I hope I don't ever have to do it myself.

  4. Medications can really wipe out a person's finances. I sure hope this one works for you, and also hope that side effect doesn't happen every time. Yikes! Glad that Beth is home recovering!

  5. I could not afford that medicine. Sounds like Far Guy spent time in the sun bare headed. I spent too much time laying in the sun. Remember baby oil and iodine?

  6. Go Figure! I can bet on bad roads when I make dr appts unless in July. And yes, I was on the road also at the crack of dawn. Hope these new meds help.

  7. Good insurance is a blessing and a necessity.

  8. I do hope your injections work. Yikes, they are expensive, and the after affects don't sound very pleasant.

    Fingers for FG. Glad to hear Beth is home, and I wish her a speedy recovery.

    We're expecting more snow here through the weekend, and of course on moving day Monday. Today we're forecast to get above freezing so what is on the ground should disappear before the next batch arrives.

  9. So very thankful to hear that Beth is home. Praying she will continue to recover and rest when she needs to. Good news.

  10. I'm glad Beth is home. That is a good thing. Next snow is the one that sticks?

  11. Hope your new meds work. Glad you are able to get them. Glad Far Guy was able to get his head examined ;-)

  12. Price of some medications is highway robbery. I hope it works well.

  13. We have good medical insurance too, and I am using plenty of it!
    I keep using up my dental insurance though and then have to pay out of pocket. Looks like that might be a lot soon.
    I am getting fitted for new hearing aids today. Insurance only covers part of that. More cash out of pocket.
    Getting old is not only not fun, it's expensive!

    RA is bad stuff. I do hope your new medication works.

  14. Snow looks so pretty in photos but can be a right mess to clean up

  15. Prayers for all the medical situations.

    We had our first snow. Expected a dusting but we had almost an inch. Now we have a week of rain before more snow.

  16. I hope the medication works for you since you have to go through so much to give yourself the injections.
    I'm glad Beth is home. You always recover better at home.
    Blessings and hugs,

  17. Our first snow of the season was Halloween Day. Quite a lot of snow for this early in the season. It's all melted now. Was kind of pretty in a cold sort of way. Penny had forgotten that she saw snow last February when she was 2 mos old. This time she was a little freaked out by it and then wanted to eat it all. Made going outside to do potty a bit challenging. I am sorry you have to inject yourself. I don't know if I could do that. I am glad Far Guy's skin test came back OK (I read the next post first.)

  18. I can't imagine paying that much! Whew! I hope it works for you. And hope
    FarGuy's biopsy is okay.
    Too warm for the snow to stay now for a while. Supposed to be in the 40s for maybe even a couple of weeks! I'll believe it when I see it--lol!

  19. I hope the new med works for you. My Trulicity is about the same cost and I have to pay twelve hundred up front during a four month period. The Trulity is easy to take but everyday insulin shots seem easy now to. I shoot into my thigh as there is less pain there. I wear shorts to breakfast everyday winter or summer.

  20. I started taking Enbrel back in 94 I think and it just about bankrupted me until I was finally able to take something cheaper but years later. Back then it didn't matter if you had good insurance. They were the only ones offering it so there was no competition. So glad you are able to afford it! It will keep the damage from your joints and take away the pain too. It is a miracle drug and I was darn grateful for it except for the cost.
    I pray Far Guy will be okay and glad to hear Beth is home from the hospital!


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