Wednesday, January 10, 2024


 I made the lemon pudding and Jen whipped up the meringue.  Supper was leftovers or brats which ever you preferred.  Lemon pudding was a nice addition! 

I attended Stitch and Chat at the library.  Three other gals were there, two were crocheting and one was knitting.  One gal was real talky.  They meet once a month.  I worked on one of the shawls I have in progress.  I wish they met during the day rather than at 5:30 PM.

Far Side


  1. Fortunately it is still early in the morning and I don't yet have food cravings but those look good. I am a fan of lemon - just about anything.

  2. Neither of us are driving at night anymore. I hate that we are limited but it I safer that way. We have missed going to a couple of good things though. it's okay because often by evening, we are ready to be doing quiet things at home.

  3. Once after a craft show, I commented that my neighbor at the next table talked non-stop. My kind pastor’s wife reminded me she lived alone. Then I remembered she had lost her husband a few months prior and was likely very lonely. RHill, TX

  4. Wow, day would be so much better. I used to knit and want to again. My library had a class--5:30. I can't see well at night so I couldn't to it. It was bring your own project too and I want to join a defined class that has a small project all are doing. I need direction. Choosey aren't I?

    We're getting your frigid temps next week and I'm just sick thinking it will be below freezing all day for three days. My Laura reminded me how lucky I was that I did not have to get up and go before daylight, travel on the interstate, deal with the public! My girls will not let me express pity without a rebuke. Woe to me, Connie! ha

  5. The pudding looks delicious. That's the reason I don't attend anything at the local library, always in the evening.

  6. That lemon pudding looks yummy! I haven't had lemon pudding (or lemon meringue pie) for a long time.

  7. Lemon puddings and pie are my favorites.

  8. Nice desserts! They look yummy.

    Quiet here. Just snow and cold and I've been wandering about in the woods again.

  9. I’m glad you found a crochet/knitting group. Do the other gals still work? Perhaps, that’s why they meet in the evening. I don’t like going out at night in the winter.

  10. Oh! Yes! Daytime is much better---night driving is the worst in winter

  11. Yum, that's looks delicious!!!

    I do find it interesting the group doesn't meet until 5:30. I would think afternoon would be better for most retired folks, and evening would be better for those who are working. Maybe they'd be amenable to an earlier time?

  12. Looks yummy! And a better option than putting it in a pie crust. I may just have to do that.

  13. Those lemon desserts look so yummy. I'm the same as you. Every group I've found nearby meets in the evening and I don't drive after dark. It's the pits getting old. More and more I find myself just being happy at home. I haven't gone anywhere since Sunday! Two days we were pretty much blizzarded in! Ha! Dennis went to his Mom's yesterday but I didn't. Today he's at work, with my car so I can't go anywhere again. Oh darn. :-)

  14. Oh my!!! The meringues look so delicious and refreshing!!!

    I am the same way. A group I belong to is having a series of evening meetings. In January. In the dark. And the closest one to me is out on a country road. No thank you. I have become a daytime only person.

  15. I don't like going out in the evenings any time of the year but especially when it's cold and dark!
    Is lemon pudding basically the same as what one uses in a lemon pie?

  16. If they meet at 5:30 does that mean they work during the day? That is a terrible time to meet.

  17. Looks really yummy!
    Nice that you have a group like that, but I can see why you'd want to meet earlier. Even in the afternoon would be better.

  18. Granny, Yes just like a lemon pie without a crust.
    Linda, Yes they are all young and work in the daytime.

  19. Like so many commentators, I too dislike going out in the evening or after dark. And I also object to things that meet at mealtimes - I like to have meals on time, not go to a meeting from 11.30 to 1pm and then have to find lunch (or have it really early). Getting fussy as I grow older!! Your lemon pies look delicious :)

  20. Your lemon pudding looks so good....and I love meringue on anything! Yes, I like going to things during the day also, instead of going out at night. Hope you had a good time though.

  21. Those desserts look so good! I love meringue and it seems like you don't see it as much as you used to.

  22. I cheat on my diet by buying lemon meringue pie pieces. I split in half and share with my wife and I get to raise my blood numbers by 80 points for a few hours. There seems to be a group always has someone who think everyone should yield the floor to them.

  23. I love anything lemon or citrus. My kids always wanted lemon bars for their birthday and my favorite was always lemon meringue pie.

  24. I also wish more things were held during the day vs evenings and weekends!!!

  25. My mom would have loved your lemon pudding dessert... lemon meringue pie was her favorite. 5:30 does seem an odd (and inconvenient) time for meeting. I think most people are sitting down to dinner somewhere between 5:00 and 7:00.Hope you have a great weekend!


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