Tuesday, January 16, 2024


 Our Great Grandchildren or "Greats" were here on Monday morning, their school and day care were closed due to the holiday yesterday and their Mommy had to work part of the day.  Thankfully Jen and Andy had the day off.  Andy made them bacon and French toast for breakfast and for lunch hot dogs and mac and cheese.

They can sure liven things up around here. 

Hey Mikey snd Cee Cee did a fair amount of goofing off during their photo session with me. 

Hey Mikey with Ree...she is working on getting some teeth.  She is very entertained by her siblings. 

After they left I had a long nap.

Far Side


  1. I bet! Little ones are fun but, oh so very tiring.

    Cute kids and growing so quickly.

  2. How cool is that?!?!? Barb and I will sometimes talk about whether or not we will be around when out Greats arrive. Our oldest grandchildren are 14 and 12, so we do have a chance!

  3. Grands and great grands! [I don't have great grands but I suppose I will in time].

    Looks like a wonderful visit with them!

  4. You had a little joy in your life this day.

  5. They all look like delightful, happy children. And more than you would want to handle by yourself. :-)

  6. Kids can flat wear you out! Can't figure out why God gave all the energy to the young! (grin)

  7. They are cute! I bet you needed a nap.

  8. Isn't it amazing how much they wear us out nowdays? When little Baby J was here at Thanksgiving, I was exhausted each and every night.
    Hey Mikey and Cee Cee look like they love each other a lot and bay Ree is sure growing fast.
    Blessings and hugs,

  9. Little ones are sweet but quite exhausting.

  10. They are just the cutest!
    Little ones are quite noisy and tiring, but so worth it--lol! :)

  11. Such cute kids! I'll need about a 2 day nap when I finally get home again. Sophia is easy. She'll be 12 in March, and like most kids her age she likes to hang out in her room a lot. Jack is wearing me out. He never shuts up - just a running commentary all day long. LOL He's a picky eater, so rarely actually eat much of anything served for a meal but then constantly begging for snacks. He's only 8.

  12. Yeah a nap after they leave is often needed, seeing them and playing with them is wonderful but can be exhausting.

  13. Goodness, Mikey and Cee Cee are growing so fast! Isn't it wonderful to spend time with them! The older ones do a good job of entertaining the little one don't they? My sons are four years apart and my younger one was always thrilled to watch his big brother play.

  14. Funny how well young siblings can handle infants.

  15. Oh my.....your greats are so darn cute. I bet they were fun to hug when they weren't running all over the place. So nice that you got to see them for the day. What fun!

  16. I bet that was a busy day! They are so cute!

  17. And a well deserved nap, I'm sure!

  18. A long nap, I'm sure! They do grow so fast and time spent with them must be so precious.

  19. what cuties and I bet Andy is their favorite Grandpa!


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