Friday, January 19, 2024

Obedience Class

 Sadie and I went to Obedience Class, she did well.  Her nose gets her distracted from time to time.  I might need some smelly treats...right now I am using Cheerios.  She knows her name, come, look, sit, down, search for a treat and touch.  She will leave treats alone in my open hand until I tell her they are hers.   We need to work on "spot" this next week...last year she knew where her spot was...I hope she recalls the command.  We also need to work on the heel position.  She needs lots of leash work...lots and lots. And we need to work on come/recall also. So we have homework.

Far Side


  1. Sadie is doing well, and it sounds like you are too! Everyone should go through obedience training as it teaches the owner as much as it teaches the dog. Well worth the time and money, it will tons of frustration in the long run.

  2. I've never owned a dog that knew how to do all of those things. I'd need a lot of homework too.

    Good dog Sadie!

  3. Look at that sweet face! I bet she loves school just to spend time with you.

  4. She looks like a perfect straight A student!

  5. That's a good kind of homework.

  6. That face! They are smart dogs, she will do well, I have no doubt.

  7. All with a GREAT BIG SMILE on her FACE!

  8. Good girl, Sadie! We did an obedience class with our Vizsla when she was a puppy. Pupperoni treats worked great. They smell pretty strong and you can tear them into any size pieces you like.

  9. Sadie is such a gorgeous dog. My daughter is doing obedience classes with Newt, the new Golden they adopted.

  10. This is so good for you and Sadie. It keeps her occupied as well as improving her behavior, and it gives you gentle activity to keep you moving and keeping your mind occupied with pleasant things instead of hurting.

  11. It sounds as if she's doing well ( except maybe for leash work).

  12. She looks happy. I bet she will graduate with honors!

  13. Aww....sounds like you're doing a good job with Sadie girl and a lot more to work on these days. She's lucky to have you around!

  14. Homework with treats. Looks like she'll be happy about that. :)

  15. How is the training working on Far Guy? I foresee some resistance, especially if you let him know what you’re doing! Gravy

  16. Sadie is super adorable and seems like a pretty smart dog. That face is so sweet.

  17. I always trained my own dogs since I was a kid. It helped that I had smart! Sadie is so do a good job training her but it would be hard out in the snow...a class indoors sounds like a wise choice.

  18. I'm glad you and Sadie are going to classes. How fun! And a great picture of her :-).


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