Saturday, January 20, 2024

Experiment Part One

 Jen ordered some Amaryllis bulbs to see if we could recreate the wax covering on the bulbs. 

First you soak the bulbs in water for about 6-8 hours.  Water should come up about 3/4 of the way up the bulb.

Then you let them dry for a couple of hours. 

Then you cut the roots off  bottom of the bulb so that it is level.

Then you dip them in wax, we used Gulf Wax. 

More on this again one day.  We have to finish applying wax and then paint them and see what happens. 

Our Amaryllis is just about to bloom. 

Far Side


  1. Should be an interesting experiment. Hope it works for you.

  2. Nice, I've just used the regular ones. Maybe I need to get some and enjoy their greenery!

  3. I find this amazing how they grow in the wax. I'm interested in knowing how all this works. I'm thinking mine needs more sunshine and a warmer location. I'll be following...Have a Beautiful weekend.

  4. It will be interesting to see how this works.

  5. I have faith in your ideas. I think it’ll work. Can’t wait to see the blooms.

  6. Interesting process: I hope the experiment is successful.

  7. Until you wrote about this process I had no idea this was how these bulbs were treated. My MIL used to get Amaryllis every Christmas from one of the hunters she had hosted for years. Sometimes she gave them to me because she preferred her flowers "outside in the dirt". They're so dramatic and pretty.

  8. I look forward to hearing how this turns out. That blooming amaryllis is beautiful! :-)

  9. Curious to find out how this works out. :)

  10. Interesting experiment. I prefer my Amaryllis in pots so I can have them year after year but your idea would be great for someone who didn't want them after they bloomed.

  11. Can't wait to hear how it all turns out.

  12. How fascinating and they would make great gifts at Christmas. Do Amaryllis have a scent? Can you use the bulbs again? My paper whites stink to high heaven! they're pretty but I do not like the smell at all....yuch!

  13. That will be a fun experiment! I look forward to seeing how it goes. Those blooms will be open anytime now! I had six blooms on mine but the first three are almost dead now so I will cut them off. I still have a couple of buds that I hope will bloom. These are fun plants to follow.

  14. It is fun to try new things. You will have some great blooms I am sure.

  15. Your photo looks like it might be a Paper White Daffodil.


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