Monday, January 22, 2024

Down Boy

 We are through with the below zero weather for now.  I am sure it will warm up just enough to have freezing rain again. There is much to be appreciated about temperatures down below zero...too cold to snow or rain. 

Down Boy is the name of one of the sculptures in the Red Bridge Park.

I found it interesting.  At least the dog looks happy!  Photos were taken last November. 
Far Side


  1. Hah! This could be a statue of my son's dog! She tries to greet everyone this way...however at least she doesn't touch when she does it.
    She is learning slowly but surely.

  2. That is a very cute sculpture! And a clever name! Bet it makes park visitors smile when they see it.

  3. It’s above freezing this morning here. I’d do cartwheels if I could. Hope you get some southern breezes this week.

  4. Guess what we are forecasted? Slightly warmer temps and freezing rain and black ice in the forecast.

  5. I like the sculpture! Yes, now we will get warm enough to melt and freeze, melt and freeze. It's hard on the horses, as well as us.

  6. I really don't like the ice. We had warnings of another thin layer of ice accumulating last night and a few snowflakes on top of it now this morning. I'd have been happier with a foot of snow. You can still see grass through the bit of snow we have. Supposed to get above freezing by Wednesday it says. Yup--could just mean more ice. :(

  7. Isn't he adorable. great sculpture and I know that it draws a lot of attention. That tongue hanging out assures us that he is happy. Not so cold here, but a lot of rain. Stay warm.

  8. We're warming up and should be above the freezing mark by the end of the month. I wouldn't be thrilled to have freezing rain, but I guess that may happen.

  9. These are nice, I do like the look of them

  10. It is a dog that always jumps up on people. It is one way that dogs greet poeple. Interesting sculpture and unusual.


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