Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Holiday Happenings

 We were invited to my baby brother and his brides place to play games on New Year's Eve day.  So we all went!  My other baby brother and she who sees robins first were there, my Mom and my baby sister and her husband.  We played a number of games of Yahtzee all shaking dice at once...taking turns would have taken all day!  Then we had snacks and lunch and played some Splendor.  It was good to see them all again! 

Baxter was very happy to see me, so happy he tried to eat my Moms hearing aid luckily the battery rolled free and most of the hearing aid was rescued.  Not sure why Mom's hearing aid was on the floor.  She lost the other hearing aid about a month ago.   Baxter is supposed to lose some weight...12 pounds the Vet said..my brother said "It is all the treat ladies fault!" 

The roads were good both going and coming back home.  We were home well before bedtime and neither of us was awake to welcome in the New Year....but it happened without us anyway. 

New Years Day I caught up on some mail, entertained Sadie, cleaned a bathroom and went grocery shopping. The Holidays being on a Monday kinda mess me up, I will be a day off all week. 

We gathered at supper...Far Guy made potatoes, Jen made a vegetable, Andy made chicken and I took a jar of pickles out of the fridge:)

Flowers last summer at my baby brothers home.

Far Side


  1. So glad that Baxter did not get that battery. Bummer about the hearing aid itself though. Sounds like you had a wonderful New Year though.

  2. I was off all last week and am this week so far too!

    But thankfully nothing important is going on so I feel just fine about that.

    Sounds like you had a great day and got to visit with everyone!

  3. Glad to hear the roads were clear and you were able to all get together for some fun. How did your mother's hearing aid land on the floor? Silly Baxter!

    Great collaboration on dinner. :)

  4. You finished out the year well with precious family fun and good roads to travel! Cooking sometimes balances itself out over the years. At times we do it all and at other times, we take the pickles out of the refrigerator!

  5. You had a good time! No one can say you didn't contribute to the meal. :) Lovely flowers.

  6. Now that sounds like a wonderful weekend. A day of fun games would be great. I'm thinking of taking dominoes with us on the cruise. We always played them on date night with Neal & Jenny. We haven't played since the move. Glad you had good roads and a safe drive. You are obviously the dog lady. Much like my Mom used to be.

  7. We went to Shannon's for supper on New Year's Eve then she and Jason came up on New Year's Day for cards and tacos. It was nice.

  8. Nothing beats a good old family game night. My friend's Mom runs over her hearing aid with her wheel chair.

  9. What a perfect New Years Party!

    We were nursing colds and were side by side in recliners napping. Until bedtime, LOL.

  10. I'm so glad you were able to all get together after the ice storm ruined the Christmas plans. Hearing aid salvaged and all was well...even good roads! Happy New Year! :)

  11. I'm sure that help with the pickle jar was well appreciated :-)
    Your game playing day sounds like fun.

  12. You did your part…fetching the pickles!🤣

  13. Sounds like you had a good time, happy get togethers are always nice

  14. How fun to get together with family and play games like that! I'm with you on having my week messed up when there is a Monday holiday! It doesn't help that the trash pick-up day changes on weeks like this!

  15. Nice to spend such quality time with family. And I'm also happy to hear that Baxter was so happy to see you again.

  16. Wow! That sounded like a great time. I don't think I knew you had a baby sister? But then I do forget a lot. So glad the weather cooperated. That was a great contribution to dinner; taking the pickle jar out of the frig! LOL! I want to move in with you guys!

  17. The holidays being on Mondays really mixed me up too.
    Playing Yahtzee the way you did is very interesting. Never tried it that way.
    Good thing you rescued the hearing aid before Baxter gobbled it up.

  18. I know what you mean about holidays throwing things out. I am still trying to sort out what day it is! Thankfully, next week should be back to normal.
    Loved that you were all able to get together like that. Wonderful :)

  19. Sounds like you guys had a fun New Year's Eve and made it back to your temporary home safely. I always love playing games with family! Happy New Year to all of you.

  20. Pickles are always essential for family gatherings. I am glad the family can get together and just have fun.


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