Saturday, January 13, 2024

Sadie at school

 Dog Obedience School...Sadie, Jen and I went.  Sadie did great, many of the things she already knows, Look, Sit, and looking at you when you say her name.  She was very interested in all the smells.  She needs work on coming to a heel position and coming when called.  She likes to do things in her own time...sometimes she has to think about what SHE wants to do. 

There were about 9 other dogs in the class, classes are taught by volunteers. 

So we have some work to do!  

Far Side


  1. Goldens are such pleasers, I am sure she will do great!

  2. One of my favorite things to do was obedience training with my larger dogs. They really enjoyed it.
    Sadie will figure it out!

    Some dogs have to review things first!

  3. Sadie sounds like my 6 year old grandson. He knows, mostly, what to do - it's whether he chooses to do so or not.

    Enjoy the training!

  4. I spend a few years taking my Afghan to school. If you know anything about Afghans you know why it was several years! I enjoyed it, so did she. Nothing like disturbing a room full of dogs! Goldens are good dogs and learn fast, unlike what I had. :)

  5. That look on Sadie's face says it all! :)

  6. Sadie doesn't look too impressed. Heel and recall are 2 of the most important things, I'm sure she will have it figured soon.

  7. Pretty Sadie. Maybe she could teach Zoey a thing or two about minding her manners and coming when called. She used to be pretty good, but lately she thinks she knows best.

  8. I hope she catches on quickly. That photo says it all--lol! :)

  9. She loves her people enough that she will want to please you.

  10. Some animals are easy to train others are not our old dog Dot Dot was so easy to train our other dogs not so much

  11. Sadie loves to please, it seems, so I bet she's gonna have it all figured out in no time. :-)

  12. The true dog does want to please its people. Also though, I am sure she thinks that is this all necessary? I bet is was fun. Your -4 and our -4° F were the same for a while. We are closed down.

  13. Sadie looks rather reluctant to cooperate in that picture. LOL

  14. a great class for Sadie. I wish the classes were more accessible here (just have to keep looking). Stay warm!

  15. Oh, she is so cute and I'm sure she will graduate with honors....eventually! LOL!


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