Monday, January 15, 2024


 Sunday is usually Pizza Day.  It was too cold for delivery so we had to pick up our own pizza.  Sometimes we even make our pizza.  Just not this Sunday. 

The Amaryllis is forming some nice buds. 

Snow and cold out there.  

Far Guy stayed inside and wood carved.  I worked on a crochet project.   I went with Jen to get the pizza....the first time I have been out since last Friday. 

Far Side


  1. Well, that IS cold! Cold here too. I have to think about what I want to wear while going out.
    It is -14 F this morning with winds expected later today. I'm thinking it is a good day to have chili and start making some trails close to the house.

    Looks like a good day to enjoy looking out the window!

  2. It is wonderful having flowers indoors when snow is outside!

  3. I haven't been out (except to take garbage to the bin) since last Wednesday. Maybe tomorrow, we'll see.

    The snow looks pretty with the sunshine...and from indoors. :) Stay warm!

  4. Friday is our pizza day more often than not. My wife likes to cook on the weekends and we eat leftovers during the week. But by Friday they are running low and so pizza, which I make, becomes a viable option until Saturday when my wife commandeers the kitchen again.

  5. Other than going out to my car on Saturday to get the boots left in it, I haven't been out either. Yesterday I started my car with the remote starter and let it run for 15 minutes. I was so afraid it wouldn't start. Today I'll have to venture out with the kids because Sophia has swim team practice in Sioux Falls (20 miles away).

  6. I haven't been outside at all. Pizza sounds good to me.

  7. And I thought I was bad. I haven't been away since Thursday.

  8. I only went out once last week from last Sunday to now. That was to take Mom to lunch on Wednesday. Dennis has been trying to get to her place everyday, but the day we were in a blizzard warning, he couldn't get out of the driveway. And that was after they plowed 3 times! It kept drifting over again. It's still so bitter cold and so many roads closed. I'm sure hope it gets better before we're supposed to leave Wednesday morning.
    Blessings and hugs,

  9. It looks very quiet out there. Too cold for every one and everything.

  10. About the only good thing CA has going for it while the Democrats are destroying what once was a great place to live is the climate. 39 degrees for a low in Northern CA today.

  11. Sunday is pizza day here too. I usually by the frozen Casa De Mama ones thin crust with a rising edge, then add more stuff before baking them.

  12. The wind makes it worse. You must have been quite antsy to get out to go with to get pizza in this weather. I am staying inside. Cold enough opening up the patio door to toss out seed--LOL! Brrr! ;)

  13. I think I'll make pizza this week too. It's so quick and easy if I use naan as the base.

  14. It is cold here in Texas too. Pizza sounds good....I like thin crust pizza. A friend gave me a waxed Amaryllis last year for Christmas. It will put out a green stalk and then it dies back. this has happened 3 or 4 times..Just will not bloom

  15. Your Amaryllis has really taken off growing! Those buds will be opening any time now. This is the first year I've had an Amaryllis and I did not realize they grew so tall. I had to tie mine to a support to keep it from falling over as it is rather top-heavy.
    I have not been out in nearly a week due to heavy snow and extreme cold. We both have dental appointments this week so we'll have to get out then. Stay warm!

  16. I have been feeling like pizza the last few days

  17. We are not out of food but we have lost our flexibility to choose. I finished now after three days getting my drive cleared. Maybe tomorrow we will go together and hit the grocery store. I usually buy everything in doubles or ahead when I am not out. We have been in so long that we will have to go. Pizza is our choice tonight as we buy them and cut them in half. One half in the freezer is ready to go. We are sharing temperature numbers.

  18. I try very hard not to leave the house in the winter. But I did make a quick run to the grocery store when it was 1 degree. I really felt warmer than I did last week in the 30's with rain. My friend claims it is a "dry" cold which is not as cold as a "wet" cold. I'm not sure that is a thing. It was also sunny, which makes me feel warmer, too. Now I am home to stay. Your amaryllis look great! Thanks for the updates.

  19. It's always good to have Pizza---delivered, or not!!

  20. No one escaped the cold unless maybe CA and FL. I'm thinking of making a pizza...just cheese and my seedless pasta sauce.


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