Monday, January 8, 2024

A red bridge

 Last Fall I went to the Red Bridge Park. 

This bridge is red but it is not the old Red Bridge on the south side of town along the river.  Someone painted this one and started calling it the red bridge.   The park is even called The Red Bridge Park...

The park was decorated with wreaths for Christmas.   I was the only one in the park that day, no tourists and no pooping machines... Canada Geese!

Far Side


  1. indeed they are! i heard they excrete one pound per day per if you have a lot of geese around....well you get the idea!

  2. That looks like a beautiful park. Is it covered with snow now?

  3. Neat bridge and I always think wreaths on those type of lamp poles are neat. Aren't Canada geese the worst for pooping? I remember at the lake in Washington where we camped. Spring and fall when the geese came through it was a mess.
    Blessings and hugs,

  4. I can attest to the pooping ability of Canada Geese. It's worse when it's still wet. :(

    The bridge is lovely and a nice bit of color.

  5. A very pretty place. I love the geese on the farm---just for that reason. But not in a park. Ever!

  6. Sam, No water under the red bridge, there is water behind it. Sara yes they have snow now. :)

  7. A lovely park and bridge. The only experience I have with geese is when they are flying overhead.

  8. I live close to Madison County, of Bridges of Madison County fame, and there are two covered bridges that have been saved and drug into parks where they now cross expanses of grass. They are painted red and can be walked across as well.

  9. So you have an old Red Bridge and a new red bridge?

  10. I am well aware of Canada geese droppings. They are all over the harbor trails right now. Sigh.

  11. That reminds me of some bridges in Asian parks. I bet the children love to play on it. We have pooping machines here too. You have to watch your step!

  12. Granny, an old bridge that is no longer red, a bridge painted red and a rusty color bridge.

  13. Looks like a nice park. My hometown has a covered Bridge Park and one of the only Covered Bridges in Minnesota.

  14. At our local lake the Canada Geese compete with the Mallard Ducks for winning the Pooping Award. It makes the pathways really awful sometimes :)

  15. Nice red bridge, but it seems a bit misplaced to me - In my mind bridges normally straddle the waters, not stand besides them? Or maybe there is water, sometimes, just not quite now?

  16. I like the red bridge, but it has no water under it--lol!
    The geese--OMGosh! The slippery and constant gifts can be dangerous to try to walk through--lol!

  17. There is no water under the bridge. I guess it is a great sculptural form.


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