Sunday, January 14, 2024

Below Zero

 Our high yesterday was below zero...seems that will be the trend for the next week or so.  Our high was -4 F or -20 C  headed for a low of -16 F or -26 C  eh! 

I did not venture out of the house.  I cleaned the bathroom and did some laundry and crocheted a bit. 

Street Art in Pelican Rapids, MN one day when it was warmer.

Far Side


  1. Sounds similar to our weather in South Dakota. Brrr!

  2. It's a good time to be retired and able to stay indoors.

    Stay warm!

  3. We are currently -9 F, a high of -3. Yup, it's winter!

  4. Sounds a lot like us. It's -16F right now with a -42F windchill. I didn't go outside all day yesterday but today I have to go get Mom's laundry and bring it home to wash. Church has been cancelled because they are afraid of people being stranded on the roads.

  5. It is super cold--yes! It's -14 right now (10 am Sunday) with -32 wind chill here in Fargo. Stay safe and warm!! :)

  6. Bitter cold here, too! It’s snowing this morning.

  7. Staying inside is a good! Good Thing!!!

  8. Our temperature this morning is 4, but that doesn't count the chill factor. We did a quick grocery store run, Mr Merry dropped me off at the door and picked me up at the door. All the little children have the day off school tomorrow and I needed more bread and milk for the pbj sandwiches and limited beverage choice. Stay warm!

  9. Although not as cold as out your way we're still extremely cold for our area. Our frozen pipes are under the laundry room and not accessible without taking drastic measures. Fortunately its only the laundry room affected. In the end it will get fixed and this winter will be remembered !!

  10. Brrr! I just got back from my usual Sunday breakfast and read the news that we might get all the way to 29 degrees today! Yay!

  11. What pretty street art! Love the iridescence. Wonder if it lights up.

    Our weather is similar. I snowshoed for almost an hour at -4F today *^*

  12. Tis the season for hunkering down!

  13. Your weather is so much worse than mine. I’m a whimp. Praying for sunny days.

  14. With temperatures like that I wouldn't want to leave the house either.

  15. We are staying steady at 5 degrees F night and day....and this is the South! We have wind chill warnings, winter storm warnings and our governor...Sarah Huckabee has issued an emergency disaster declaration....huh? It's not even an ice storm just a few inches of snow. We'll see I is still snowing.
    The stained glass artwork is beautiful!

  16. Very pretty art piece - Lady Slippers?

    Hope you're staying warm.

  17. Sara, Yes Lady Slippers.
    aurora, I am not sure if they light up or not, perhaps they do there are four sides each with a different Minnesota scene.

  18. That stained glass is beautiful! I love the colors. We are having this below 0 F weather too this week. It did not get above 0 F all day today and won't get much higher next week. Our Chiefs played a football game here last night and it went down as the fourth-coldest NFL game in history. This weather is crazy all over the country!

  19. Getting much colder here in E.Ontario but hopefully not THAT cold. We had a chimney fire the other night so our heat options are kind of limited at the moment. brrr

  20. It looks like we have a few more days of cold before things start to warm up a bit. Stay warm and safe.

  21. I hope you have good reliable indoor heating. That cold sounds awful. Take care and stay safe and warm, Mxx

  22. Brr.....stay warm. We're having that same cold weather. Except for church this morning, we are staying inside! Take good care.

  23. It is best to hunker down and cocoon!

  24. The lady slipper stained glass is wonderful.

  25. Four scenes, wow!! I would wager a bet there is a light in the middle. Of course, it would have to be powered somehow. So, maybe not.

    If you ever go back, I would love to see the other seasons/sides.


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