Thursday, October 17, 2019

Yard report

I mulched for the 4th time....a few more times to go if the weather holds.  Perhaps a big wind will come by and knock the rest of the leaves from the trees.  The high yesterday was about 42 F or 5 C eh!

Can you believe it is October and the grass is still growing?  Must be all the rain we have had.

I have a few flowers left too.

Far Guy says the leaves are half down...encouraging.

This photo was taken over by the Minnesota Snowball Shrub/Tree.  I enjoyed seeing the leaves all different colors.

Far Side


  1. Your colorful leaves are pretty. We have not yet cleared our yard of leaves. We had a lot of wind yesterday that knocked down a lot! One of our nicest Autumn days so far.
    Sending love and prayers.

  2. We are just starting to see leaves come down here. It's going to be a long, late raking season. Ugh.

  3. Love your Fall leaves and their color. Still not too much color down here, mostly just brown and yellow. At least the Sumac is colorful. A lot of raking going on around here.

  4. All those leaves to mulch, still to come. But you're right on top of it! :-)

  5. Most of my trees still have their leaves. I am going to work outside this morning and dress with layers. I have to finish some work soon and I am just going to gut it out. Your colors are pretty.

  6. Your yard is still looking pretty, and those are the prettiest leaves on that tree. Some look pink.

  7. Your yard looks so nice. I should get mulching blades on my mower. The colors there are so they just look dead. I'm hoping there will be some pretty color changes at some point. The temps are great though.

  8. Your yard looks really pretty, especially with the colorful leaves. We still have most of our leaves on the trees, well, the trees that were left standing after the storm last week anyway. IT's rainy here today and is supposed to continue dreary for the rest of the week and weekend. Better than snow though so I'll take it!

  9. We've lost a lot of leaves due to high winds this past week, but the maples are just beginning to turn. We have a couple of maples that turn a deep dramatic red and a couple that turn very orange. I hope we get some nice non-windy days now so we can enjoy those maples.

  10. Hey, I'm 99% finished fall work!

  11. The leaf colors in that last photo are gorgeous! We are still waiting for most of the leaves to fall so we can mulch them for the winter. Most everything is still green here but it least the temps are cooler. Your yard looks great!

  12. When we finally got rain many of the shrubs and flowers had a second burst of blooms. Now we have wind and rain so everything is winding down.
    Your yard is looking very neat. Love the colours of the Snowball bush.

  13. The leaves in our area started noticeably turning color two days ago. Tom will enjoy seeing them. Tomorrow he is coming home from rehab after surgery.

  14. "Fall"ing is just getting started here. What are you doing with all of the mulched leaves?

    1. The leaves are mulched with the mower blades, they are turned into dust and remain on the lawn, it is great fertilizer:)

  15. Very green here, too. Even after the heavy snow. Your yard is looking so nice. :)

  16. We are in the midst of a nasty rain and wind storm and almost all of our leaves are on the ground now... can winter be far away?

  17. Love your colorful! Just got back from pre-surgery appts. in Milwaukee. Not much fun. Met both surgeons and umpteen nurses, chest xrays and echo cardiogram. Looks like a go unless I hear different. Hope all is well with you two, these days!

  18. I mow ... mulch like you do and rake under the hickory tree and pines in the spring. I'm letting the goat eat the tall grassy spots and will leave mowing for another week.


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