Thursday, October 10, 2019

Pie and Fall Projects

I stopped by 3rd Street Market and bought some Sour Cream and Raisin Pie for my Dad for his birthday.  We both like that pie.  No two sour cream and raisin pies are alike...I have had some with meringue that were horrible.   I have several recipes that I could try...but it is easier just to go by 3rd Street Market and buy a slice...a whole pie would just go to waste..or not.

It was a nice day.  I worked in the yard, the third mulching was accomplished and many odds and ends were taken care of.  I moved the snow shovel to the front door...after that our snow amounts were reduced to 1 -3 inches on Friday.  (I am probably a hero)

I finished up at my other baby brothers...he had some thistle that needed a spray...and some grass growing  in his landscape rocks.    I am officially done spraying weeds for the year.

Earlier this week I finished getting the dead moss from in between the pavers on the patio...Wet and Forget did a really nice job of killing the moss.  Gradually the pavers are looking cleaner too!  The jury is still out on the cedar deck out back...It may need a little help with a scrub brush...or a power washer. 

Far Side


  1. Busy busy! I mowed and chopped up leaves and pine needles along with cleaning gutters which will be a never ending job until all the leaves are down.
    My MIL loves that pie. Me? Oh not so much.
    You are a very busy and talented lady.

  2. I never heard of Sour Cream and Raisin Pie. Sounds interesting. You sure are busy. I keep hoping the "S" stuff doesn't arrive for a while yet. However, forecasters are saying we could see some flurries on Saturday. Just too soon for that stuff.

  3. I haven't heard of that pie before. It sounds... interesting. :-)

  4. Never met a pie I didn't like! I think some of our local Amish Restaurants serve Sour Cream and Raisin- yum. My favorite is mincemeat. Hard to find someone to help me finish a whole pie. But homemade is the best!

    1. Miss Merry, have you tried freezing mincemeat pie in slices?

  5. I used to make that pie for my ex's grandfather as it was his favorite too. It must have been popular with that generation and before as you never hear about it anymore. But you have a pie shop that makes it? Lucky you! We have no bakery just a grocery store and Dollar store. So I have to make my own and of course I have to eat the whole thing myself...but not in one day! LOL!
    Did you hear that your first storm is named Aubrey? I thought that was pretty special! I hope she is mending well.

  6. I love sour cream/raisin pie. Where we lived for 30 years our church had an annual church supper. One of the older ladies always brought sour cream raisin pie and it was fabulous! I miss that, but recently discovered her recipe is in the church cookbook.

  7. Glad you made great progress on your Fall projects.

    Hope you enjoyed the pie.

  8. You had me at pie. I've never heard of that pie before. Now I want some.

  9. I've never heard of sour cream and raisin pie either. Mom used to make raisin pie, though none of us really liked it.

    Good work on keeping the snow at bay! :)

  10. Sour cream and raisin pie! I had forgotten all about that flavor of pie. It was my Grandma's favorite and she made the best version I've ever had. Of course, the recipe was in her head and she was adamant about NOT sharing any of her recipes. When she passed away, so did all of her wonderful concoctions. She's the Grandma that taught me to crochet when I was 7 and I dearly loved her but boy, oh boy, was she ever stubborn about her recipes.
    It sound as if you're all ready for the snow. We got our downed tree off of the fence and dragged it over to the patio area yesterday to get it off of the grass. By then it was pitch dark so the the cutting up and hauling off will have to be done on Saturday. We still have snow on the ground as it's 17F this morning. Too early for this stuff.

  11. Never heard of that pie, either.
    Sounds like you are ready for the snow if it comes. Maybe I should have brought in my shovel for the patio. ;)

  12. I'm another one who hasn't heard of sour cream and raisin pie. My mom used to make a plain raisin pie but it didn't have sour cream in it. I'm sure your dad will enjoy his piece. Nice that you can buy pie by the slice!

  13. That's a new kind of pie for me, too. My grandma's specialty was chocolate meringue pie. Isn't it funny to connect a recipe with a person? Gosh it seems like fall is turning into winter way too soon. It's been chillier than usual here, too, and there's been snow in Spokane which is on the other side of our mountains.

  14. Wow … that's another thing I love about you and your dad....Sour Cream Raisin pie is also one of my all time favorites and I can never find it anywhere! You are so very lucky to have it available close by. I would have bought the whole pie!!! Thank goodness you set your snow shovel out....I hope that helps in the Duluth area too for this weekend! Blessings to you and far guy!

  15. You have been a very busy lady! I've never had Sour Cream Raisin pie... gonna have to look for one to try.

  16. Connie …. I just noticed at 1:41 pm you've got a weird commenter!!!

    1. I had six identical spam messages in my inbox from this same source just today.

    2. I was busy today and finally deleted the bums:(

  17. I have never heard of sour cream and raisin pie. Now I'm going to have to look something up.

  18. That was a favorite pie of my dad’s, too. He was a big fan of raisins — his favorite ice cream was rum raisin.

  19. I'm wondering if your raisin pie is like the raisin nut pie mama used to make. I make them now...they are delicious!!

    1. It is a heavy pie...light browish in color...sour cream, raisins and cinnamon...and the topping is whipped cream...the crust is made with nuts:)

  20. I have to put the first finish on my cedar deck. I hope we do warm up some more so I can get on to that. I have to do it in the next two weeks. Sour cream raisin is the best. I bet he loved his pie.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie