Friday, October 18, 2019

October half over

Seems like we are whipping right through the month of October.

I got my flu shot yesterday....the gals up in the infusion center  give them to family members of patients.  So I didn't need an appointment or anything.  So far so good.  No bad reactions!

The sun was out yesterday...yeah for sunshine!

Miss Miney and Little Elvis enjoyed the sunshine too!

I still have a few flowers blooming!  I am enjoying every flower I see!
The other Salvia has succumbed to the frost but  Salvia Victoria Blue is still hanging in there.  From the kitchen window I noticed a mainly black with a little red butterfly on the Salvia did not stick around long enough for a photo...must have been just passing through.

Went to Bingo with my Dad and my baby brother....we did not win but we had fun anyway.  Dad is still having problems with his knee.  Considering his age there is nothing much they can do with his knee.  I told Dad we need one of those rolling walkers with a seat so when his knee is not cooperating he can sit down and I can push him to the vehicle.   It is either that or no bingo.  Luckily my brother has been there to help me get him to the vehicle safely when his knee isn't cooperative.
Far Side


  1. Nice to see Miss Miney and Little Elvis enjoying sunshine. The salvia is such a lovely color. We got our flu shot last week and did not have a reaction. I recently bought John a walker with the seat - there is a warning on the walker not to push someone while seated. Apparently the seat is just for resting while stationary.

    1. There are a couple of types,, Dad needs one that is a walker and transport chair.

    2. Thanks for letting me know. I just googled the one that is both. John will most likely need one that is both when he has the surgery. Just don't know that I can push him. All the best to your Dad.

  2. Have a great weekend. Love the Slavia.

  3. I notice that all my most tender plants succumbed to the cold. It's almost time for me to send them to the trash bins. I always enjoy seeing pictures of those sweet dogs. :-)

  4. We had a tri color Collie when I was a kid. She was such a good dog. You never see them around here anymore. Both those pups are beauties.

  5. I think they have improved the flu vaccine. this is the first year I've had no reaction at all and I've had many decades of them

  6. We did our flu shots this week too with no problems. But we also got the pneumonia shot and both had extremely sore arms that night. But it's all good now.

  7. This must have been flu shot week! My arm was sore for a day or so but other than that there were no problems. I love the photo of Miney and Elvis. They both look like such sweet dogs. Chloe has been out laying on the deck in the sunshine this week too. I think it feels good on her old bones.
    I have an online friend who has one of those walkers that she can also sit in and her husband pushes her when she needs the extra help. I wish I could remember the link they gave to it. It's called a transport chair or something like that and it is very lightweight so it's great for traveling. It's been such a blessing to them and now she can get out and about again.

  8. October sure has gone by fast. I wish it would slow down because I'm not ready for the holiday rush. It's always great to see Miss Miney and Little Elvis! They are beautiful and such sweet dogs.

  9. These months seem to go faster and faster.

  10. Half over already! Good grief the time flies by!
    That transporter walker sounds like it would be perfect. Better than missing bingo!

  11. I think one of the seated walkers would be a really nice thing. My mother-in-law had one and she enjoyed it.

  12. I bet it’s nice to have a dog under foot again ... or even better, TWO!

  13. Wheeled walkers with the seats are really nice. Tom used one for quite a few years.

  14. I see a lot of people pushing their walkers as they go around the lake. Just a few years ago I hardly ever saw any.I love Salvia Victoria Blue and looked for it at different plant shops in Spring but didn't find any. I might have to try growing my own next year.

  15. I have no ill effects from my Wednesday flu shot either, not even a sore spot on my arm. That's a good thing.
    Your dad is doing very well to just be getting around to needing a walker at his age.

  16. I am a lot grumpy about the month going fast but not much I can do about. Those dogs are so good looking.

  17. So glad you were able to get your dad to Bingo, even though you guys didn't win this week! Hope he gets some relief from that knee. Thank you for the sparkly card beautiful, and so were your comments. I treasure them. God Bless You Both!

  18. Grab that sunshine while you can! I keep meaning to go sit outside and soak up some of that vitamin D before the winter doldrums set in. Looks like you had a beautiful fall day.

  19. Miss Miney and Elvis are such gorgeous dogs! Someone takes very good care of them as they have long hair and need lots of grooming. I love your Salvia Victora Blue...stunning! Yes, get your Dad a walker/transport whatever before he falls. Does he wear a brace on his knee? I know nothing so don't take my word for anything....I'm just thinking out loud. Have a nice weekend!

  20. Victoria Blue is my favourite Salvia. I wish it was perennial. Mine is still hanging in there too.
    No flu shots for me. Ever.

  21. Glad you all had fun, even if you didn't win at Bingo. Good idea about the walker thing.


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