Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Dried Cherry Kuchen

Connie's Kook-Ken

Here is the recipe I adapted for my own use.  This makes 2 pie plates of Kuchen.

1 package of Rhodes Cinnamon Rolls there are 8 in a package.

Take 4 rolls smoosh them all together and roll them out.  Place in buttered pie plate.  Repeat for second pie plate. Prick with fork and bake at 350 for 10 -15 minutes. 

2 cups or 1 Pint of Heavy Whipping Cream
3 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
dash of salt
Crack eggs into a medium size pot beat with a fork until frothy then add sugar, salt and vanilla and beat some more....slowly add cream stirring constantly and vigorously!

Cook on medium heat stirring constantly...mixture will thicken.  Take it off the heat before it burns!

Lay fruit on the dough, add filling and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar.
Bake 350 for 25 minutes

We like fresh fruit and have tried raspberries and blueberries.  Both were good.  I prefer the raspberries!

Yes it is possible to use dried fruits...I used tart dried cherries.   Our friends gave it two thumbs up!

You can always make a plain kuchen...I did this time...one was with dried cherries and one was plain.  We added fresh raspberries to the top of the plain one.

We discussed what our friends grandmothers used to put in kuchen...peaches, apples (perhaps they were cooked a bit no one remembers!), plums and all kinds of berries.

Most of the recipes I looked at called for a sweet dough for the crust.  I tried the cinnamon rolls just as an experiment because I am lousy at pie crust dough and the sweet dough recipes made like 8 crusts...and I just wanted 2 crusts.  You could always make some kind of gluten free crust also.

Here is a photo of the dried cherry kuchen....as you can see most of it was eaten!  ( I am not very good at getting the dough up on the sides of the pie plate)

It was very good.  I still like raspberry the best!

Supper with our friends is always great!  They served a pot roast with roasted vegetables...carrots and squash.  Next month it is our turn and I will have to come up with something delicious to serve!

Far Side


  1. Thanks for the recipe. My favorite was Rhubarb Kuchen.

  2. Boy, that sure looks good. I'm trying to limit the amount of sweets I eat, but I'd make a beeline for this if it were in my kitchen. Thanks for the recipe. :-)

  3. I never heard of kuchen before. Thanks Wikipedia. And thank you for the recipe, it sounds great!

  4. I have a recipe for sour cream chicken that is great! for next time.

  5. Thank you for sharing your recipe. The cinnamon roll crust was a surprise. Ironically, kucken is the state dessert for South Dakota and there is a small business in one of the nearby towns that makes kucken commercially - with lots of different fruit flavors. I have a raspberry one in my freezer right now.

  6. I never would have thought of using the cinnamon roll dough for a crust - that is brilliant! Thank you for the recipe. It does look good!

  7. Mmmmm....that looks delish. I bet it smelled like heaven while it was baking. When the kids were little cinnamon rolls were always baked on Christmas morning. The kind out of a can and they were so good. Naughty calorie wise but good.

  8. Thank you for the recipe. Looks wonderful!

  9. Thank you for the recipe. My Grandma used to make rhubarb kuchen. I dont like rhubarb very much but I loved this. Yours sounds wonderful.

  10. I've never had kuchen but I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to try it. Thanks for the recipe.

  11. Looks like that is beyond my capabilities!

  12. I had never heard of it. Now hearing the recipe and seeing the picture--looks delicious! :)

  13. Looks good! I'd eat it. North Mid-West Comfort food is the best!

  14. Your kuchen looked delicious! I'm sure I would like the one with the raspberries too! How fun to get together with friends for meals. Thanks for the recipe....I might have to try it! I'll have to label it Connie's Kuchen!!! Blessings to you both!

  15. Now you got me thinking... I have several plum trees in my backyard, and one of them is a "cooking plum"--I think it's called a Satsuma plum, but I might have the wrong variety. At any rate, I bet that would be a tasty variety to try, as those plums are quite tart. I've used them before in pies (and jam, of course), but wonder if your recipe would suit.

    Of course, it's the wrong season for plums right now...

  16. Your kuchen sounds delicious and it looked that way too! It's nice to eat someone else's cooking for a change. I've decided that I might treat myself to go out to eat or grab takeout on Friday nights (afternoons for me before the crowds and before dark...lol!) It probably won't be healthy but once a week can't hurt and so what if if it does....a gal's got to live!


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