Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Pineapple cutter

Far Guy ordered a new kitchen gadget.  A pineapple cutter.

It worked slick...sometimes when you see stuff work on the Internet you wonder does it really work that slick?  In this case it did.  It took the core out and cut a spiral of pineapple.
Far Side


  1. Cool!!! Fresh pineapple is so good but such a pain to slice.

  2. I have not bought one of these in ages! I epect the tool would make it easier.

  3. Always nice to know if those "as seen on TV" gadgets work. I should get one myself.

  4. I think I saw that on QVC a few years back. Glad to know it works. I may get one for my daughter as they eat lots of pineapple. It's probably cheaper now too! LOL!

  5. I saw this on Kay's blog from Hawaii. She thought it worked great, too. I don't eat fresh pineapple, though, because it makes my tongue sore. :-)

  6. Fresh pineapple is delicious with just a sprinkle of salt.

  7. Oh what fun that would be. I love pineapple and that would mean upside down cake too.

  8. Yizhou Stainless Steel Pineapple corer

  9. I have one too! They do work wonderful. We bought ours on Amazon and it's a metal one. Makes eating pineapple so enjoyable!

  10. Glad something works well from those TV ads--LOL! ;)

  11. That is a clever gadget. I may have to check into that.

  12. Larry used to work for a Dutch based company that sold those, among other things relating to wine. I think they were one of the first companies to come up with idea, but there are lots of others now. We have one. I think they come in more than one size, so that you can pick the best one for the size of your pineapple. Too big and you end up with skin bits still stuck on, and too small, a lot of pineapple is left on the inside of the skin. Your's looks just right!

  13. That looks like a handy gadget. I love fresh pineapple!

  14. It does look very handy. I looked up that brand on but couldn't find it. There were no less than 49 other brands though.

  15. Since I buy a fresh pineapple only once or twice a year, I don't think I need that.

  16. I have seen those advertised and wondered if it worked well. We love fresh pineapple. We became hooked on it while in Hawaii.
    In your comment on my blog you said you only use dpn's. That's what I use too. The Hermione pattern is worked on 64 stitches and I just divide them over three needles, 16, 32,16. It works great! I hope that encourages you to give them a try. You could always call or text me if you have questions on how I do it. Here's my number 509-991-2875.

  17. Glad to know it works. We love fresh pineapple!

  18. Wow ….that really works slick! Nice to know that something we hear about, really works well! Enjoy that pineapple!

  19. My husband is a sucker for new gadgets...and I am a sucker for fresh pineapple...which he gets to cut open. He bought one of those and yes, indeed, it works great. He's happy, I'm happy, and one pineapple is more than two people can eat in one sitting.


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