Saturday, October 26, 2019

Leaves and more leaves

The wind took the last of the leaves out of the trees. The 7th mulching took place.  Many leaves were raked from hiding spots and mulched...others were raked or blown into the woods.  I still have to get a troublesome spot  underneath the deck...leaves swirl around the house and gather there.  I began mulching the wildgardens... one more mulching will take place....perhaps today.  Then I can say so long farewell  to my lawn mower until spring.

I don't mind my time on the mower.  There are many things in life I cannot control...leaves in the lawn is a problem I can do something about.

The Salvia after a 22 F  or -5 C  eh! morning...looking sad.

Oct 25 before the 7th mulch...we still have a bit of color in the yard.

In the house, I did laundry and worked on a paper project that makes a nice gift and had a nap...I left Far Guy with instructions about how supper was coming along and what he could finish before waking me up from my nap!

Today is my other baby brothers close as you can be to 60 without being 60.  Happy Birthday Jody!

Far Side


  1. I know what you mean about some alone time on the mower. Sad to see the last colors of fall go, but looking forward to spring. We still have lots of leaves on the trees. Mostly yellows this year, but every once in a while I spot a gorgeous orange that lights up the sky!

  2. Congrats on winning the battle of the leaves. Ours has just begun. I wish The Mister was a mulcher but no....he insists on bagging. Ugh. What a chore.

  3. In southwest Ohio, our leaves are at their peak of color. But all day today we are expected to have rain. Lots of leaves will fall.

  4. Our leaves are falling fast and furious now. I like walking through them on the sidewalks and listening to them talk to me. :-)

  5. Glad you can get your leaves mulched before the snow flies. It has been cold enough for snow this last week but has been dry. Naps are good! :)

  6. Your other baby brother is my age! At lease until I turn 60 in February. Happy BIrthday Jody.
    Dennis is hoping to do our final mow this afternoon. Most leaves are gone becaues of the ridiculously high winds the past few days but some of the trees are stubbornly holding on to their leaves. It's the same ones every year. They rarely get mulched before the snows come to stay.
    Take care and enjoy those naps.

  7. I rather like alone time (sometimes) and yard work seems to be the place that happens. Happy Birthday to your brother!

  8. Happy Birthday to your brother! Nothing wrong with being nearly 60.

    We had a lovely day here yesterday with temperatures in the mid 60's but today it's cold, just sitting at the freezing mark with cold winds from the northwest. Glad you got your mulching done, as I suspect this is heading your way.

  9. Happy Birthday Jody! I remember when I thought his age was old but now that I'm 67 anything in the fifties seems young!

    Only a small portion of our leaves have fallen so far. I'm beginning to wonder if they hang on too long that we might be too far into winter to get them mulched. We have had snows before they fell and that is never good.

  10. Leaf raking and mulching never seems to end

  11. Leaves are part of life when you want trees in order to breathe and live

  12. I liked mowing too, sitting on the mower on my own, no one bugging me. But last year husband hired someone to do the mowing...I guess he didn't like being on the mower himself! :)

  13. Happy Birthday to your baby brother! Congrats to you on getting so much work down around the yard and even getting a nap in. Awesome. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. I hope to be back here after awhile! Peace!

  14. Happy birthday to your other baby brother!

    I hope you had a nice long nap and that Far Guy didn't forget to watch that supper didn't get overcooked.

  15. Happy birthday, Jody!

    Glad you had such a productive day, but also had time for a nap. Sometimes a nap is needed.

  16. As you wrap up your mulching project, we are just beginning ours. However, we hear there is to be a ferocious wind come through tonight, so who knows whether we'll have many leaves left still clinging to their branches in the next few days!

    Happy birthday to your other baby brother. May he have a productive and enjoyable year staying away from that 60!

  17. We are knee-deep in leaves here, too, with lots more to come.

  18. The colors are just getting pretty here. We have yet to have a frost. I'm not sure if I'll mow again. Probably just to chop up the leaves although I don't have mulching blades. Glad you will be able to put away the mower until Spring...but now you have to get out the shovel! LOL!


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