Friday, October 4, 2019

Fall Color and Bingo

We don't have much for Fall Color.  All the rain seems to have made the colors dull.

My Dad and I went to Bingo and I bingoed twice so it was a good night.  Dad's knee was wonky but we put on his knee brace and he did just fine.  My Dad likes Bingo night to be very orderly, he likes to leave at the same time every week, arrive at Bingo at the same time, park in the same place and sit at the same table.  Finding and putting on his knee brace put us a little behind time...but he adjusted quite well until he saw the long line waiting to buy bingo cards...luckily I had two friends standing together in line that let me get in line with them.  Thank goodness for Bingo friends!

Far Guy got his Flu Shot yesterday.  I am going to wait a couple of weeks before I get mine.  I usually get sick from it and right now I don't need to be sick.

Far Side


  1. My hubby used to get sick from it too. I suppose I should get one as I will be in and out of the Nursing Home quite a bit visiting. I need to stay healthy for two people! I am happy to see you on the mend! Keep it that way!
    Love the colors. I am hoping to spend some time seeking color on Sunday...the day without rain forecast!

  2. Glad your Dad enjoyed his Bingo night. Seems a lot of people I know get rich from their Flu shot. i don't get one and I don't seem to get the Flu either. Oh well! Have a great weekend. Very few colors here also - leaves are just dying and falling off.

  3. I am very lucky and flu shots don't bother me. Unfortunately the insurance policy for which I pay an exorbitant amount of money out of my pocket does not cover "well care" (I retired, but am not quite 65) so I have to pay cash for mine. The first year was $14 and now they are $35. . . In the good old days I could use the "free shot" offers that accept your insurance payment as payment in full. It almost seems that since my insurance pays 0, mine should still be free? Oh well, the clock is ticking toward 65.

  4. How nice that you get to share such good times with your dad. They make such wonderful memories. I used to take my dad to the pancake house every week and I always smile when I pass one.

  5. You are so blessed to have bingo night with your dad. Actually you are both very blessed to have that time together.

  6. Glad your Dad coped, and you bingoed.

    I get sick from the flu shot too. I get so bad I don't bother having it any more. I get sick either way, but worse if I have the shot, so why bother?

  7. Congratulations on the two Bingo's! I used to work a lot with older people, and it seems that the older we get, the more we want everything to stay the same, predictable way. I'm even finding it in myself sometimes. I'm sure glad you get to spend that precious time with your Dad. It's irreplaceable.
    I usually run a slight fever and get achy after the flu shot. Every year I debate whether to get one or not, but I always give in and get it. Both Dennis and I have still gotten the flu a few times though. Tamilflu really does work miracles! I've been told it's been a bad flu season in Australia which is usually what predicts our flu season here in the U.S.
    I hope you and Far Guy have a great Friday!

  8. Our colors are just starting down here, but the hills and mountains are blazing!

  9. Routine can be comforting. Happy that you Got some bingos and had a nice evening with your Dad. Getting my flu shot next week.

  10. Congratulations on the bingos! We had a lot of rain this past summer and I was hoping that would give us a colorful Fall but I guess that is not always the case. Our leaves are still green as the cool weather just caught up with us this week.

  11. No fall color here...everything is dry and brown. Glad you and your dad could get out for Bingo. I hope FG does not have a reaction to the flu shot. We will probably get our shots next week at our physicals.

  12. Our leaves have not only changed color but they've fallen off.

  13. Congratulations on your Bingo win! My dad loves Bingo too. We have had several days of rain so our leaves have been falling before we get our "peak" color. :-(

  14. I think your fall color is lovely! We have none so far. Congrats on Bingo again! I haven't gotten my flu shot yet either but I never have a reaction. I usu ally get it around the 10th and it takes it 10 days or so to take effect I think.

  15. Well done at bingo, not only winning but getting into line with friends.

    The leaves are dropping like crazy here, soon we'll be looking at bare limbs again. :( I must remember to book a flu shot. My grandson is allergic to eggs, thus cannot have one so the rest of us need to ensure we're vaccinated. He may still come in contact but at least we'll know we didn't pass it on.

  16. Glad you made it to Bingo night in good shape and had those friends in line to speed things along! Congrats on winning a couple times too! That means you both win, right? We have quite bright colors here this fall.....trees are starting to turn a little quicker now...nights in the 30's. I finally turned on the furnace, but praying to keep winter away as long as possible! Peace and Blessings to you two!

  17. I was hoping we'd see some fall color driving across the country, but there has only been a tree here or there. Do your BINGO cards have multiple cards on them? Where we live in Florida you can buy a 3-card, 9-card or 12-card pad. I gave up playing as I never won. As the game progressed I'd get more and more tense with each number called, knowing someone would get BINGO before I did. I hope you get some sunshine to bring out the brilliant colors.

  18. Never played bingo not interested in it

  19. I had to chuckle at your description of your dad's need for "sameness". You are a good daughter.

  20. Congrats on your Bingo win. It sounds like you and your dad have a good time win or no win ( but win is better).

  21. You reminded me that I've been putting off getting that flu shot. I usually feel achy for a day or two afterwards. But we still need to get it. And yay for your bingo win! :-)


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