Saturday, October 19, 2019

Flu Shot

No doubt the flu is worse than the flu shot.  The symptoms began 24 hours after the shot...I was wiped out, ran a temp, had chills and every part of my body hurt...especially those parts that I have left leg, right shoulder, left hand...back and long bones in my legs.  Far Guy brought me warm corn bags and piled the blankets on....I had some really weird nightmares and he reports I was talking in my sleep.  Miss Miney and Little Elvis kept me company all afternoon. After six hours I felt much better and helped with supper and spent some time outside with the dogs.

I hope the worst is behind me.

Far Side


  1. Somehow I missed how Miss Miney and Little Elvis came to be staying with you. Hope you are really better soon.

  2. You poor thing! I had my flu shot last week and I never have had a arm wasn't even sore. I am fortunate I guess. Every year there is different stuff in the shot based on what flu strains are out there....I think based on Australia....those countries that have just had their winter. No live strains though. Glad it didn't last too long and glad you had such good caretakers!

  3. One year my husband had a reaction similar to yours. My arm was sore for a couple of days, but then I forgot I'd had it. I sure hope you are through the worst of it. Sending you healing thoughts.

  4. Oh dear. We were lucky. Sore arms was our only side effect. And the punch in the wallet. $35 each was the cheapest I could find through our county health department. Our self-pay insurance doesn't cover anything preventive.

  5. Me too! I hope by the time you read this you are back to your normal self!

  6. Dennis and I had ours on Tuesday. My arm was really sore for a few days, but I haven't felt well since then. I've had a headache and body aches every since. This morning is the worst so far and we have to drop my car off to have the snow tires put on. I just want to snuggle with a blanket and knit. I have had a hummig in my ears since Wednesday that is going to drive me batty. I really don't know if I'm going to get it anymore.
    I hope you're better now and getting lots of love from Miney and Elvis.

  7. Oh, dear....sorry to hear that. I haven't had a flu shot since the year I had swine flu and the doctor decided to give me the shot in spite of already being sick. I was really, really sick for a long time after that and I'll never know if it was the swine flu or the shot that did it. I hope you're feeling better soon.

  8. That sounds awful! Glad it passed quickly.

  9. I'm sorry you had a reaction to it. I hope you are better now. I'm sure Miss Miney and Little Elvis were good comfort and support for you. I have not gotten my flu shot yet but will soon.

  10. Oh gosh, I am sorry you had such a bad reaction to it. This year was the first time in eons that I felt bad after a shot. Just achy mostly, but I was shocked. They must have put something new in it! Glad you feel better now.

  11. I think everyone (that is everyone that normally gets the flu shot) is getting it this month. Some (like yourself) have had some reactions, others not so much. DH and I will get ours at the end of the month... usually just get a sore arm. Hope you feel better soon.

  12. So sorry you had such bad reactions! Hope by now you feel "all better."

  13. Too bad that flu shot gave you such symptoms; one can only hope tomorrow you'll feel better.

  14. I guess I’m lucky. Never had a reaction to the flu shot like you do. Hope you are all better tonight.

  15. Oh my gosh, that sounds just awful. I sure do hope that the worst is behind you. Who wants to get a flu shot if that's what you have to go through? My grandson got a flu shot when he was a little guy and got deathly ill from it, with a disease that doesn't go away. Pretty scary. Hope you're all better soon!

  16. I'm sorry you had such a strong reaction. I think that means you really needed that shot to boost your immune system.

  17. It's reality that some people get a severe reaction to flu shots. Recover rapidly.

  18. Every year I ask my doctor what he thinks about that year's version of the flu shot and every year he tells me not to bother getting the shot. This year I keep hearing about how bad it will be and I wonder..guess I should call my doctor.

  19. So sorry to hear that you are down with the flu. I hope you are feeling better very soon.

  20. Ugh... hope you feel better soon!

  21. Oh, no! I hope it is over. I haven't had a flu shot in years, mainly because when I did, long ago, I got sick over it. Ever since, people have told me that was not possible and that I don't know what I'm talking about. But then I hear stories like yours. And you are not alone.

  22. Oh geez - that stinks. Hoping by now you are feeling better!

  23. Sorry you had a bad reaction to the flu shot.

    I always have bad reactions to the flu shot. Or did, when I still bothered to get it. Found out accidentally by missing shots a couple of years that I get sicker when I have the shot than when I don't, so stopped bothering to get it.

  24. Just discovered your blog and saw this post . I too reacted to the flu shot this year. No fever just achy and just felt like doing nothing for 24+ hours. This is the third or fourth time over the years. One day I was in bed for three days after with the same thing. It makes me wonder what I should do in the future. Perhaps, as one suggested above it is giving our immune system something it needed. We’re you sick with other things much this year? I don’t think I was. Or will this cause a greater sensitivity to things in the coming year. I plan to keep record. By the way......doctors are SUPPOSED to report reactions to flu shots. Although apparently few ever do. So “it’s perfectly safe”....who really knows if it hasn’t been charted thoroughly. When I go,d the doctor about the worst reaction of three days in bed he said, “you. Can’t. Get. The. Flu. From. The. Shot”. Yes...just that way. I told him I never said I had the flu, I said I had a reaction. Hope you are feeling much better now. Your blog is lovely


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