Tuesday, October 1, 2019


Not sure what normal is besides a setting on a dryer.

Far Guy has daily medication adventures...with Doctors switching meds here and there...and one Doc cannot do it all ...it has to come from the Doc that originally prescribed the med...doesn't help that one Doc is on vacation.  This  Lung Transplant "on hold" is for at least 30 days but that may stretch to 60 or 90 days ...it just depends on what future sputum samples show. One of the U of MN Doctors ordered a med from our mail order pharmacy  $7.00 for 10 pills vs $1.00 or less at our local pharmacy...I know the instructions for ordering meds is confusing but I made sure it says IN HIS CHART  short term meds from local pharmacy Long term meds  90 day supply from Mail Order Pharmacy....obviously someone did not consult the chart.  Idiots...

Far Guy has not started the anti fungal medication it has not arrived yet...I think we are going on the third week this week...talk about a slow frustrating process... days are being wasted here people.  Let's get on with the proper meds and do this thing. 

I wish people (Doctors and Transplant Coordinators) would just do their jobs.  Consult patients charts and order the correct medications. Is that too much to ask?  AND these are the people we are going to trust to do a Lung Transplant...UFFDA...I am going to have to advocate ALL the time and double check everything.

Far Guy has now switched over from Tegretol to Neurontin for his Trigeminal Neuralgia.  He had spots before his eyes and a migraine for a short time after his first pill... and so it goes.

Far Side


  1. I am right there with you on Doctors not reading the notes in the charts. My hubby's doctor is really bad about this. With all the money they make us pay them you would think they could be a little more responsible. Why should we as the patient have to tell them what to do and what to order or not order; what med they can take and what med they can't take. Makes me really frustrated. Praying for you both.

  2. Praying for a miracle in the lung transplant business. I cannot believe that it's been three weeks with no medication to help FG. :-(

  3. Like you say "UFFDA"! Praying for you both!

  4. Sorry about all the "adventures" with the doctors. Hope things get sorted out quickly, Far Guy improves, and he can go back on the active waiting list for the transplant.

  5. Far Guy is so lucky to have you advocating for him. Medical needs are a maze in this country.

  6. How frustrating. I used to have that problem when I was my dad's caretaker. What a mess it was trying to coordinate all of his doctors. I always felt like I was doing a terrible job. It was such a relief when he qualified for nursing home care because finally, with the one doctor overseeing everything, he got the care he deserved.

  7. You would think that writing and filling prescriptions should be a simple matter. If this is the norm, we are in deep trouble. I hope these set backs are short lived and they get their act together.

  8. Very frustrating for you both. Yes - he needs you to be his advocate through this. Health care is so complicated that it is important to have a second person around to listen and follow up.
    Medication side effects really scare me.

  9. Far Guy is fortunate to have you to advocate for him. You do have to wonder how those who try to navigate the system on their own manage. I certainly hope the anti-fungal meds show up soon and the delay is no more than the 30 days.

  10. That is just sooo frustrating! It took me two follow up calls just to get my blood pressure medication switched and that's not an important medication and I already had the old ones. Yes, you will have to be advoccate. Everybody needs one, I think. Too many cooks, as they say. Hope they get it figured out soon.

  11. Oh I hope all the meds will get straightened out for him!

  12. Thinking of you both and hoping things get straightened out toot sweet (French for right away)

  13. I'm sorry you have all this unnecessary frustration. One of my daughters has worked in the local hospital for almost 30 years and the stories she can tell....

  14. I am so sorry. It is SO important and yet these inexcusable mistakes are being made. John has never been allergic to anything but Neurontin. It caused a terrible rash, inside and out. I had an emerg. appendectomy last night. Drove myself. Back home today with the help of a neighbor and her friend (who had to drive my car home) Love and prayers never stop xoxo

  15. I am so sorry you are having so much trouble. It just does NOT seem fair. I hop they get things in line and everything moves forward A.S.A.P.

  16. How awful that you have to deal with all this. It is so frustrating when the medical community seems to move so slowly and often the doctors don't even communicate properly with one another. I hope things pick up soon for you both!

  17. Reading this made me thinnk of the many times my Mum would tell off hospital doctors who tried to mess with Dad's medications by changing dosage or taking him off something. Mum would say they have known Dad 5mins over his doctor who has known him for years.

  18. Hopefully they get this all pulled together sooner than later.

  19. So frustrating when you think the Doctors are not doing their job like they should be! Hopefully you can keep them in line and crack the whip! Not easy to do because I see the same thing. Sharon

  20. He is fortunate to have you as his advocate.

  21. I learned the hard way that you have to be your own advocate when I got my pacemaker. Sometimes I feel medicine is just a job for some people, not a calling. I'm so sorry that you and Far Guy are going through this. He is so lucky he has you going to bat for him.

  22. So so sorry about your many frustrations these days. I am so praying that things will get better for far guy and you, and soon!

  23. I firmly believe that when someone is under treatment, and definitely when they are in the hospital, a family member, or good friend has to be with them all the time to make sure things get done right. It's a sad state of affairs.

  24. Horrible to think Far Guy has been waiting that long just to start the new meds he needs! You are right, he needs an advocate, and there can be none better than a family member who cares what happens to him.

  25. Oh gosh - so sorry to hear this! Very frustrating indeed!

  26. I am glad Far Guy has you looking after his best interests. I can only imagine the frustration.....Hopefully the planets align or whatever it takes, and everything come together soon and gets sorted out. Hugs.

  27. Even a little bit of normal would be better. It has to be so frustrating.

  28. Oh you poor guys! As his advocate you have yourself a full time job! It is very needed for anyone who is under the guidance of a medical system. You can't be timid when you're an advocate...that's for sure! Far Guy is blessed to have you! My prayer list is getting long! But you guys are always included! What happened to "The Golden Years"? I didn't know gold tarnished! LOL!

  29. I cannot imagine your level of frustration! Far Guy is lucky to have you in his corner, watching out for him.


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