Monday, September 30, 2019

Paper Crafts

We did some very creative paper crafts at retreat.   I am back home and mostly unpacked.  Far Guy survived without me.   It was good to do out of the ordinary stuff but now it is good to be back home.

Remember I showed you that black piece of paper with lines on it?  Well after doodling this was the end result.  Jen had some snarky comments...and this one worked perfectly.  Far Guy says I am always rolling my eyes at him!  "I'm sorry, did I roll my eyes out loud?"

Jen also did a tutorial on how to fold one piece of double sided paper into the cutest little purse!

Perfect size for a gift card or a small gift.

I like being creative with paper...and apparently so does our youngest daughter Jen.

Many Christmas Cards were colored and covered in glitter....I still have many to do. 

Retreat is over for another year.  On the way home I made a stop at a Farm Store and looked for snow luck with that this year...they did not have the ones I really like.  The leaves are not yet peak color here...the colors are not vibrant this year at least not so far.

Far Side


  1. You are so creative. I wish I had at least a drop of that.

  2. Love the card and love the purse. So glad you had a fun getaway!

  3. Love the card and Jen's purse. Very creative. Very few Fall colors here either. Maybe it's because of all the rain?

  4. So glad you enjoyed your short getaway. Hope you arrived home recharged. You are so creative!

  5. The doodle card is just spectacular!!!

  6. I like it! And you of course are already working on Christmas cards. Glad you're home, though. :-)

  7. Your doodle card is fabulous right down to the comment. It's nice to get away from everyday life for a bit and recharge.

  8. Oh I absolutely love what you did with all the doodles! And that is the funniest saying, too. Glad you got some of your Chriistmas cards colored and sparkled. Jen takes after her very creative mother. Always good to be back home. :)

  9. LOL, I get the same comment from my daughter. I'll have to remember the retort.

    Love the paperwork, especially the little purse! Welcome home.

  10. Glad you are feeling better and glad too that you enjoyed the retreat. That little purse from a piece of paper is really cute! That bunch of potholders you made are sure pretty. (had to look back at your posts and catch up) as usual.

  11. Very clever ideas! You are multi-talented!

  12. This is fantastic! I need to use that comment..DID I roll my eyes out loud???

  13. Glad you enjoyed the retreat, and Far Guy survived without you. I don't doubt it's nice to be home again though.

  14. The retreat definitely sounds like it was fun. Glad you had a chance to get away and enjoy it.

  15. The tiny paper purse is so cute. Glad you had a good time at the retreat.

  16. You have a very attractive result from your doodling.

  17. The Christmas card is spectacular, now to see the coloring.

  18. I like the snarkiness of the black and white card! Not much fall color here either, except for maples in town.

  19. I used to do a lot of paper crafts. My carpet, even after the best vacuuming, still had residue bits of paper and glitter. But, it was fun! Love your little purse. We are traveling from CA to FL. We're near Flagstaff, AZ. I had hoped we would see some color, but no. Then again, most of the trees are evergreens!

  20. I would have never guessed that was what that piece of paper was for. I sure love how it turned out though and that sweet little purse! Oh my goodness. I love that. I'm so glad you had this time away, but it IS good to get home isn't it? I can relate.
    We had a dusting of snow in our yard when we arrived home today. Mt. Spokane is covered in snow and there was slush on the sides of the interstate. We've never had snow this early. I dread the winter.

  21. What a fun retreat and sounds like you got a few things accomplished too. Good for you! I love that little paper is perfect!

  22. Cutest little purse = darling idea!

    Your patchwork quilt doodles on black paper - unbelievable! Quite clever. And snarky ;)

  23. I'm so glad you got to go to the craft retreat! I would be better off "rolling my eyes out loud" than opening my mouth. I should start doing that except it would lose it's affect when talking on the phone. I better Skype more often! LOL!
    That little purse is so cute! Just the right size for jewelry or a tea bag or 2. So precious. It would make a great advent gift too. Your design is so must have taken a long time to make that. You and your daughter are so creative!


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