Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Cold Rain

I visited my parents while Far Guy was at Pulmonary Therapy.

We ran a few errands in the rain. We went to woodcarving for awhile and caught up with friends there.  Finished errands and unloaded groceries in the rain, we were both chilled so we turned the furnace on and had a nap.

After supper I repacked the suitcase with Fall/Winter clothing.  The high today was 57 F or 14 C eh! It rained for a long time...all afternoon and into the evening.

At least it wasn't snow or it would have been a blizzard...that is my positive thought for today.
Coneflowers in the Wild Gardens
Far Side


  1. i love your positive thought for the day. Think I'll use that one for me today. At least all this rain isn't snow.

  2. Sorry you got cold and wet. Glad it wasn't a blizard though.

  3. We have had a few days of overcast and rain. Last night heavy winds and rain...and thunder, lightening and all that. My sunflowers look miserable and it seems to be a good day to cut them down. Uffdah, stay well and warm!

  4. I was thinking the same thing on Sunday morning - good thing it's just rain and not snow. And then yesterday it was 84 and humid. A typically unpredictable fall in terms of weather.

  5. We are getting colder here also, BUT not as cold as you folks. We are still hauling wood, after today we have 2 more cords to go! I am really feeling the need to get lots of firewood this year, I don't know why. But I am.

  6. I was just getting used to having hot coffee and tea again and darn if it didn't get hot and muggy again. Ugh.

  7. We had some very comfortable days in the low 70's here in Ohio, but today we are supposed to be humid and 88. I am lucky because I am volunteering for the day in our air conditioned church office. But my grandchildren's elementary school is not air conditioned.

  8. It's been delightfully cooler and quite pleasant so far this week.

  9. It’s been miserably hot and humid here with unrelenting sun since the hurricane blew away. A little “cold and rainy” sounds actually sounds nice! Pretty cone flowers.

  10. We've had rain, rain, rain for the past three days. We need it, but the temperatures dropped so much it makes it hard to think it's not going to be a severe winter. As I was taking the garbage out last night, one of the neighbors said the same thing. It's 39F out there right now! I'm heading back to the lake today for a couple of days. It's always colder there. I suppose I should take something other than sundresses to wear! :-)

  11. We're getting rain here too. It's supposed to last for most of the week. I'm sure we'll get some "normal" fall weather but for now it's not nice.

    I sure hope that suitcase gets used soon!

  12. This makes me think of a couple of songs..September rain and September in the rain.

  13. We are comfortable at 85 and partly cloudy. It could be much worse! Sometimes it's hot well into the middle of this month.

  14. A lot of rain here for two days but we did get up to 81 this afternoon.

  15. I am so glad the rain you had was not snow. Too soon!!!!!

  16. It's definitely feeling a lot like fall. Love your positive attitude about the rain not being snow. Yet. :-)

  17. We had 75 degrees today but we're getting a high in the 50's tomorrow...so I guess your weather is coming on over here! Actually I like the cooler temps but just don't like it when everything gets icy! Hoping that won't be for awhile yet! Smart thing to do to repack those bags. Praying you get that call soon!

  18. Cold and wet is part of life but can be so annoying

  19. There's something so cozy about turning up the furnace and taking a nap!!

  20. We have turned the weather corner here too, but with a spectacular electrical storm Saturday evening, and scattered but violent rain storms and some flooding in some areas. Kind of freaky.

  21. Love your cone flower photo! It's feeling like fall here today.

  22. I'm cheering for your positive thoughts! And keeping that suitcase up to date and packed!

  23. I'd give my eye teeth to be "chilled"! Still in the 90's here...so tired of it. You can take the girl out of the midwest but you can't take the midwest out of the girl! Good idea to update the suit case!


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