Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Happy Birthday Jen!

Our youngest daughter is older today...she has been going backwards from 40 a few years now...I think 36 is her number this year.

She is the rock of our family, she has a can do attitude and will see things through when the rest of us throw up our hands in frustration.   She is a force to be reckoned always want her on YOUR side for sure!

I irritate her some days.  I take photos of her taking photos.
 Lake Bemidji July 2019

This past year she made sure that her elderly not getting any younger parents got to go on vacation in Hawaii.  She made countless phone calls and organized the entire trip.  She saw us through a blizzard, cancelled flights and airport frustrations.   Several of us (me, Far Guy and Adam said maybe we should just go home)  She said "No giving up ... we are all going to Hawaii!!"  AND we did!

Hawaii 2019

She was our constant companion at The University of Minnesota Clinic while her Dad had days and days of medical tests.  She will be there with us when he is transplanted.

We thank God for her everyday, we are truly blessed to have her for a daughter.
Happy Birthday  Jen!
Far Side


  1. Happy Birthday Jen! She is such a blessing to you both. God bless you all as you wait for the call. xo

  2. Jen is a blessing. What a wonderful daughter! Happy Birthday to this sweet soul.

  3. You are such fortunate parents. She didn't get that way by chance, though: her parents had a hand in her becoming such a force of nature. Happy birthday, Jen! :-)

  4. How wonderful to have such a devoted daughter!!!! May you share many, many, many more happy milestones!

  5. Happy Birthday to Jen! I'd say mom and dad had a good hand in making her the woman she is today.

  6. What a wonderful post for a very special girl! Happy Birthday Jen!

  7. Happy birthday to Jen! I am so glad she's been with you two through this. Family can be an amazing strength. :)

  8. Every family should have a special gal like this! Happy birthday to Jen!

  9. What a lovely daughter. Happy birthday!

  10. Happy Birthday to your daughter, a remarkable woman! Everyone should be so lucky. We have a couple of capable daughters-in-law that are seriously capable!

  11. Happy birthday to your wonderful daughter.

  12. Happy Birthday Jen! You have two wonderful parents!

  13. Happy birthday to Jen. She sounds like a real treasure.

  14. Happy Birthday to her. She sounds like a good member to have in the family, holding things together.

  15. Happy Birthday Jen. All three of those pictures are beautiful! I think Jen sounds a lot like you.

  16. Happy birthday to Jen our children can be such a blessing

  17. Happy birthday to Jen. It's nice that she shows leadership in looking after the family in hard times.

  18. HaPpY, HaPpY Birthday Jen! I hope you have the happiest of days. I'm so glad you have a daughter close enough to help you with everything you and Far Guy are dealing with these days.
    You said on my blog that you've been to Elkhorn. My daughter's address is Omaha, but they technically live in Elkhorn and Piper goes to Elkhorn schools. Small world isn't it.

  19. Happy birthday to your daughter. You are all lucky to have each other.

  20. What a beautiful tribute to your amazing Jen! Happy Birthday Jen and many more!

  21. Hang on to every moment! So glad they can be there for you both! Sharon

  22. Hope you had a wonderful birthday, Jen.

  23. Happy Birthday Jen! She's a keeper for sure!

  24. What an amazing young lady. Happy Belated Birthday!

  25. What great memories of your wonderful trip! Happy birthday to Jen!

  26. Happy Birthday, Jen!!! This post brought tears to my eyes!


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