Saturday, September 14, 2019


We had a fairly busy week.  Four appointments were accomplished.  This week we took some extra time to visit with friends and relatives. 

We hosted dinner for friends.  We served  salmon, oven baked vegetables and Kuchen...raspberry and blueberry. They gifted us with a batch of yellow carrots that are so good.  I baked them and then froze them for later enjoyment.

We made Tator Tot Hotdish one night and froze the remainder.   It is that time of year when it is nice to have the oven on for part of the afternoon. (Tator Tots, browned hamburger, frozen vegetables, Cream of chicken soup topped with cheese and bake for an hour plus) Ya, y'all might call it a casserole...but it is really a Hotdish!

I took my Dad to bingo and he bingoed...that always makes his night! 

Friday afternoon we visited with Far Guy's Cousins...always fun to see them!

Lawn work and patio cleanup have been delayed due to rain.  The fellow that is supposed to come and stain the outside of our home has been delayed  because of rain.  He was here and power washed the whole house one day.  Now it just needs to dry out.

Everything needs to dry out.  Lawn mowing will likely commence today and tomorrow.  The grass really grew in the rain.

I call these "cute as a button shrooms"  They are about as big as an acorn...of which we have way too many....soon I will rake the acorns in piles and hope the deer come by and eat them.
Far Side


  1. You are so busy! Good work. FOUR appointments... wow.

  2. We had lots of rain the day before yesterday. I just woke up and found that it's returned. For the whole day again! Well, it's that time of year. Summer sure seems to be over.

  3. I love the term "Hotdish", where I live we call it casserole. My office used to have a lot of "potlucks". One guy from south of us called it a "Carry In".

  4. We've had so much rain this year. I've only had to water the flowers on the patio 5-6 times. I wasn't surprised you have mushrooms. :)

  5. We need a good power wash too. It's been so damp all summer that green stuff is growing everywhere. When you go outside you can smell the mold growing. Ugh. I need some clean cold air. I don't remember it ever being this wet all the time.

  6. Our days are cool and the nights are cold here on the coast of Maine. The type of weather that tells you to get outside and start preparing the garden for winter. I like to start early and take my time. I even noticed some Juncoes through the kitchen window, a winter bird for us.

  7. Definitely another busy week, with some fun involved. Congrats to your Dad on his bingo. :)

  8. Sounds like a pretty good and very productive week. Hope things dry out so you can get the outside chores finished before you have to start getting ready for Winter.

  9. I find this post very charming. It has all the feel of a Minnesota September. Yes, I would call it a casserole, but my Scandinavian roots didn't linger long enough in the Midwest, I guess. For you all, hot dish it is. I see that Amy Klobuchar is sharing her "hot dish" recipe for a donation on Facebook.

  10. You stay so busy but it would be much nicer if it wasn't with so many medical appointments! We have had a lot of mushrooms here as well. That is unusual for us.

  11. Cheryl is jealous of the Hotdish! It has been in the 90's here in Iowa. Both of us would rather be in the cold/cool. Also, the mushrooms could be webcaps (deadly?) you would have to flip them over to see the gills. could also be the kind that make you hallucinate. eitherway, I would not eat them without ...ok probably would not eat a brown mushroom with brown gills no matter what. Too risky. They are very pretty though... and I love ID-ing new things.

  12. Hotdish sounds better than plain old casserole.
    I didn't know that deer ate acorns.

  13. Everything is brown and nasty here and it has been all summer with no rain! It was very difficult trying to keep the flowers alive and by the first of August they just dropped dead from 95 degree days and always high humidity. Wish we had some of that rain. Never had Kuchen before but boy does it sound yummy. I miss being able to get Lefsa for Christmas like we did in Minnesota! We sometimes send for it online. Sharon

  14. I enjoyed reading about your week. You sure keep busy. We called them casseroles both here in Washington and in Nebraska too. Yours sounds delicious.
    We started closing the trailer today and just got home with one load. Tomorrow after church we'll winterize the pipes and cover it. A sad time, but the weather is telling us that by the time we get home from Nebraska, snow may be imminent. I'm sure not ready for that.

  15. They say we have to keep busy to remain healthy. You really kept busy this week.

  16. "Cute as a button" is how one of our cats got her name: Button. Well, when she was a kitten, she was cute, but now we call her Belly Button because she has managed to 'shroom, too. =/

  17. Oh man I miss "tater tot casseroles" Used to have them all the time growing up in S. Dakota.

  18. Cute little shrooms! Your dinner sounded good. I am looking forward to rain and cooler temps and cooking some "hotdishes". Your Dad is the luckiest! He should but a lottery ticket. You have a great social life.


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