Wednesday, October 2, 2019


We had some visitors...two legged and four legged.

Hunter, Katie and Aubrey stopped by on their way to the Cities.  Aubrey is having her 8th surgery today.   She was upbeat and smiling, we pray for a successful involves a graft to the roof of her mouth...sounds painful to heart goes out to her.
A photo of Aubrey that I took last summer. 

Since we saw her last she has had four teeth removed and has gotten braces in preparation for this surgery.  After surgery she and her Mom will be next door until her recheck.  She will be on a liquid diet for awhile.

The deer are moving around and were in one of the wild gardens closest to the house.

Far Side


  1. What a brave young lady!

  2. Hope all goes smoothly for Aubrey's surgery.

  3. Praying for Aubrey that all goes well.

  4. Sending all my wishes to that sweet, brave girl that all turns out well.

  5. I too hope that Aubrey's surgery goes well. She has many of us praying for her.

  6. Praying for Aubrey, that her surgery will be successful. Jesus bless her

  7. I hope her surgery goes well! :)

  8. Best wishes to Aubrey. She has such a pretty smile.

  9. Best wishes for a successful surgery for Aubrey! And quick healing!

  10. I do wish her well. I have a cousin that has had a plate all of his life. He is in his seventies now. I am glad they can rework and make it better for here.

  11. Wishing all the best for Aubrey. She's a very brave girl, I'd be a mess.

  12. What a brave little girl! Most children seem to be braver than adults. I wish her the best and will say prayers for her surgery and healing. My heart goes out to her and her family and what a beautiful smile she has!

  13. I hope the surgery is successful. After jaw surgery I was on a liquid diet for 6 weeks ( with a straw) It's surprising the things you can puree and they taste pretty good.

  14. I am always so in awe at how brave children facing medical procedures can be. They are truly inspirational.

  15. Sending good wishes and prayers for Aubrey. I have such admiration and respect for children that have to go through repeated medical procedures. One thing is for sure - she has a loving and wonderful family to support her!

  16. Prayers for a successful surgery for Aubrey and for a speedy recovery.

  17. I am praying today for Aubrey. My prayers are that the surgery goes very well and that her recovery is as painless and fast as possible. She is a beautiful girl.

  18. Praying all goes smoothly for little Aubrey. She has been through so much. What a great photo of her! May God bless.

  19. Hoping for the best results of her surgery. Aubrey sounds like a sweet and courageous little girl.

  20. Sweet smile! Kids are so brave. Hope she has a great outcome and speedy recovery.

  21. She must be one tough girl. I admire her and wish her the very best.

  22. The surgery Aubrey has to have sound like something I don't want, so I hope all goes well with it for her

  23. Poor girl. I hope all is well. We've a cancer appointment tomorrow.

  24. Praying for Aubrey, that all goes very well! Hope you'll get to visit with them a bit while they're next door. Hope you and far guy are doing better these days too!

  25. hope Aubrey heals up fast ~ and enjoys her time at Grandma and Grandpa's. Best wishes to her!

  26. She is beautiful! So sorry she has had to endure so many surgeries but super thankful they are able to correct her problem. Praying her recovery is as rapid and uncomplicated as possible.


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