Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Some color

Fall color in our yard.
Piss Popple looks great in the early evening.

Other trees/shrubs are pretty too.

The S word has been spoken many times in the past few days.  An S storm...I am not ready.  Fall is NOT over yet as the leaves still hang in the trees.

I cleaned out the baking cupboard and the spice drawer after I did grocery shopping...I made some good guesses for what I needed.  I now have three bottles of cinnamon.  Threw out the baking  powder that was outdated by a couple of years...and recycled the baking soda into a  jar on the cleaning shelf.  Mission accomplished.

It did not rain yesterday ...the sun came out and nearly blinded me.

Far Side


  1. We've had two days of sunlight so it feels nice! I think the yard might be dry enough to mow today. Seems that old man winter wants to come rushing in!
    You have been busy!
    I need to buy some dust masks to keep working on the 'stuff' in the shed and cleaning it out!

  2. I have had two whole days of sunshine and I am loving it. Please don't mention the S-word; I'm just not ready for that yet. Still very little Fall color here but lots of dead leaves on the ground.

  3. Oh no on the S word! Yes, you captured pretty fall color. Everything is brown and crisp around here!

  4. It seems early for an S Storm. But then again, you live in MinneSNOWda, right? :-)

  5. The sun came out and nearly blinded me.......made me giggle.

  6. I love the fall colors, but dislike the fact that winter will surely follow. Fingers crossed the s word stays away!

  7. They say we might not have color this year due to the heat and the lack of rain. It's still pretty green but they are calling for maybe a frost next week. I dunno. This fall has been so weird.

  8. Aaah yes, the S word has been predicted here for Thursday. I'm not ready, but it is what it is.

  9. We have bright sunshine today and it was predicted to rain all day so who knows what will happen. It sounds like you're all ready for fall/winter baking. We used lots of cinnamon here so three jars would not go to waste.

  10. LOL! Yes! Nearly blinded me, too! ;)

  11. After days and days of rain the sun is blinding and oh, so welcome! I love your fall colors!

  12. Pretty fall colors. I hope the S-stuff doesn’t ruin it too soon!

  13. Nice fall colors. I'm not ready for that S word either. But we've had 3 days in a row with sunshine - yippeeeee!

  14. You have some serious baking to do. Baking soda and powder seem to become outdated quickly.

  15. I think I see cinnamon buns in your future and maybe some cinnamon loaves...all much appreciated if the S happens.

  16. An S storm this early? No, no, that's just not right! I buy cinnamon in the gigantic container from Sam's. We use a lot of it, it's my hubby's favorite spice. I keep my baking powder and soda in glass jars. I'm slowly moving all spices to glass containers. I am loving the fall leaves this year. It's the first time in a long time that it's been this pretty.

  17. The S word is here . In fact , the ground id cover with white stuff.

  18. Love your colorful trees and shrubs! We have family coming up this weekend and are hearing about s/showers but nothing too substantial....I hope! You're always so good at getting things done around your house. Hope the big party goes great! I bet you'll be baking soon! I can smell the good aromas from here!

  19. You can never have too much cinnamon--at least, in my opinion. I even sprinkle a little bit in my coffee, from time to time. Glad the snow is holding out for you! Hope you can still grab a little bit more of that vitamin D ;)


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