Friday, August 7, 2020


 Sometimes you have the opportunity to photograph a sunflower field....and they are all facing the wrong way...your only way into the field with permission from the farmerlady...any other way into the field would involve parking on the shoulder of the 60 mph highway and walking through a thanks...

Sometimes we just have to make do and look at things differently. 

The back of a sunflower is pretty in its own way.

A side view isn't half bad either. 

Yes I could have walked into the field...but there were probably bees and I did not want to break any of the stalks...I walked along the edge...and then ran into a huge area of Poison Ivy...Sunflowers from a different perspective would have to be enough for the day. 

The Sunflower field still made me smile!

Far Side


  1. It made me smile too. The backs of sunflowers truly are beautiful as well. Love, Andrea xoxo

  2. Beautiful!
    Have a blessed day!

  3. I love your perspective! A very different point of view and very interesting. Lovely photos.

  4. Sometimes it is just the simplest of things that can make you feel good or smile.
    I do like to see sunflower fields too. I don't think I've ever stopped to photograph one yet though,...the road next to it usually has no shoulder to park on.

  5. I love seeing them from a different perspective, beautiful!!

  6. You are right. Sunflowers from the back and from the side are interesting. I like the pictures.

  7. They really are pretty from the back as well. Some good food for thought today! Thanks!!

  8. They made me smile, too. I photographed some mullein flowers yesterday and thought of you (they are yellow). :-)

  9. Our state flower seems to be very popular all over the world. Lately, with the tv journalists reporting from their homes, there have been many sightings of vases with the yellow blooms! And several paintings from Van Gogh and other original efforts on walls. I like seeing these scenes of the homes. Guess I'm just nosey. I love your shots of the field and the "back sides."

  10. I'm missing the sunflower fields this year. The area farmer who has planted them other years has switched crops this year. :(

  11. You are both looking at the sun!!!

  12. Beautiful flowers! I agree the back and side views are perfectly lovely.

  13. Love the photos and the reminder in your words that perspective is ever-changing.

  14. They make me smile also. Good job taking photos!

  15. In nature you have to enjoy the view you get I talked to a professional photographer about his spectacular scene of the sea. The picture was the result of several weeks of getting up very early and setting up his camera to be ready to take pictures when the light was right.

  16. I was once told that when life hands you lemons, make lemonade. I think you have done that really well with these sunflowers :)

  17. I love this post. Sometimes you don't get that face to face contact, especially now. But there is still beauty to be found and joy to be felt.

  18. Beautiful! It is important for us to get a different perspective on all things and these pictures reminds us of the beauty of all aspects of this lovely flower!

  19. I hope you noticed the Poison Ivy in time! I don't think I've ever seen any so I wouldn't know what to look for. Oh I know Leaves of three, let them be, but lots of other kinds of plants have leaves of three. I'll just trust that there's no poison Ivy where I walk.

  20. Thanks for your pictures of the sunflower field. I think they look cute even facing the other way!

  21. We have HUGE fields of sunflowers planted every year near the lake. People park everywhere and walk into the fields, tromping down the flowers to get their photos. The farmers have resorted to going on local news welcoming people to take photos, but from thed edge of the field like you did. When they tromp the stalks down it leaves the flowers worthless to the farmer, to whom it is a money crop. Beauty to us but a livelihood to the farmers.
    Thank you for the beautiful photss.

  22. We used to have a sunflower field near us and they would be facing one way on my way to work and the other way on my way home! :) They are lovely no matter which way they are facing.

  23. I like having to work out photos from a different view. We all get too hung up on the "perfect shot" sometimes. - Sherry in MT

  24. Beautiful! I love the way they turn their heads in sync.

  25. We've seen a few of those odd-facing sunflower fields lately around here. Plants are funny things huh. But your photos made me smile because I love sunflowers and no matter which way they look they're still beautiful!


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