Thursday, August 20, 2020


 Years ago...probably about 13 years ago...the little girls were talking with their Grandpa about what they called "the olden days."  They were either mesmerized by his stories or bored silly.  Peals of laughter were heard throughout the house...and shouts of " Grandma is that really true? "

Well being a good Grandmother I had to stop and listen...mostly true...except for the tall tale "Oh my burning feet " that he would tell them around the campfire...they always asked for that story knowing it was going to be good and scary, they would end up screaming and covering their I recall he told that same campfire story to our daughters and they had the same reactions.  How in the world he expected them to sleep after scaring them half to death I will never know.

We laughed yesterday when one of the girls called us with a request.  Grandpa complied, it brought back many good memories.  As requested he wrote on the sheet of paper and took a photo of it and sent it on. 

Later he got a photo. 

His handwriting on a grandgirls arm. It made us recall all the laughter on an afternoon long ago.  

Far Side


  1. What great memories they must be to recall them and pass them on. Laughter is good right now. Sadly I didn't have any story tellers in my family. However, we did have corny jokes, eye rolling and groans.💖

  2. Is that a tattoo? My grands like to tease me with those washable tattoos telling me "Look Grandma, I got a tattoo". They love to tease, I can't imagine where they got that from! Tattoos are really "in" nowadays but I would never pay for a painful experience...childbirth was enough.

  3. That is so awesome, what an honor!

  4. Laughter is the best medicine. I have loved the good laughs my hubby and I have shared over the years. I'll bet FG is quite the storyteller! :-)

  5. That is so sweet! You know they already treasure the stories and the laughter.

  6. That is the greatest story - the part where they called him to repeat it! There is so much love in your family.

  7. That is love! How touching that she wants to carry this memory and his handwriting - a part of him - with her for life!

  8. I'm not a big fan of tattoos but that is cool! She'll have her grandfather with her forever.

    Take care and stay well!

  9. SWAK I told the grand kids that their grandma and grandpa wrote that on every envelope we sent to each other while I was away. They thought it was hilarious but one grandchild never forgot it.

  10. Isn't it the Grandparents job to scare the grand kids and send them back home with their parents? I have always known of the revenge Grandparents inflict on their kids once their children start a family of their own. Grandparents: Danger wrapped up in sweetness and smiles! Beware the Grandparents

  11. You remind me of how much I need a good laugh.

  12. sealed with a kiss ~ that is perfect :)

  13. Aww....what sweet memories you have of days gone by. Love endures through all generations. What wonderful grandparents you both are. God Bless You.

  14. I don't have any tattoos (my sister, brother in law, brother & sis in law, niece & nephews all have them, including memory tattoos for my parents, even my 76 yr old aunt got some in past few years - she is pretty hip) - I have thought of doing so many times but always backed off - though I would do an eyebrow piercing in a heartbeat or nose but not a tattoo, lol. And I am almost 63, lol. Anyways, I love that tattoo idea!

  15. I remember my grandmother's stories. The were scary with terrible wolves and foxes. Some of her grandchildren left the room .

  16. Awww, sweet girls and grandpa! Maybe we all need to hear that scary story! ;) Laughter if the best thing always, but even more right now.

  17. Awesome grandpa, my own pop was awesome as well

  18. Awwwww.... this story brought tears to my eyes! How beautiful, Connie. The stories of the elders... the things most missed when they pass on to the next place. Love, Andrea xoxo

  19. This post is the sweetest! Brought tears to my eyes and brought back memories. You do have a very loving family, and a bunch of great grandchildren! Oh, your last post...your and Far guy's wood carvings are amazing. So beautiful!

  20. Around here it's apt to be granny (me) that tells stories of the "Olden days".
    It's wonderful that grandkids like to hear the old stories funny or not.

  21. I love this. Your family is so close and obviously you all love each other very much. In this crazy world we're living in, you are ALL very blessed. I love the tatto. SWAK. Perfect!

  22. I like your grandchildren stories. They are all growing up so much and they are such nice young adults. We haven't seen the kids since Christmas in real life. We don't touch base very often as they are a busy family.

  23. Precious memories. My dad used to like telling us scary stories and after dark he would slip outside and suddenly appear in the window with a maniac laugh- and then a real laugh as all us kids would run screaming!


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